
Hatred of Western Civilization: Why Terrorists Attacked America

The late Dr. John Lewis read this statement to his class on September 12, 2001 — the day after America was attacked by Islamic Jihadists. His words are all the more relevant today.

9/11 Commission’s Titanic Irresponsibility

9/11 Commission’s Titanic Irresponsibility

The so-called "9/11 Commission" is supposedly trying to find out what happened, or failed to happen, that allowed the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 to succeed. But there is a big difference between trying to unearth facts about September 11, 2001 and trying...

Fighting Terrorism and the Case for Pre-emption

Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines magician as "one who performs tricks of illusion and sleight of hand" and "one skilled in magic," a "sorcerer." That's an apt description for the parade of Democrats, leftists and peaceniks attacking President Bush on his efforts...

Diverting the Blame for September 11th

The squabbling and finger-pointing surrounding the 9/11 commission only serve to obscure the fundamental lesson of that horrific day. Whatever errors or incompetence on the part of a particular individual or intelligence agency, what made September 11 possible was a...

Capturing Osama Bin Laden

Capturing Osama Bin Laden

Osama bin Laden’s capture or death, the focus of renewed American military attention, would greatly help the war on terror — but not in the way you might expect.

The Mounting Threat of Homegrown Terrorism

As we combat Islamic terrorism abroad, we must recognize the deadly threat posed by a homegrown source--one that since 1997 has been responsible for over 600 attacks and has inflicted more than $100 million in property damage. The attacks have become bolder, fiercer:...

The War On America Did Not Begin On Sept 11th

The War we are in didn't begin on Sept. 11, 2001. It began 22 years earlier. On Nov. 4, 1979, Islamist radicals stormed the US embassy in Tehran and, with the support of the Ayatollah Khomeini, proceeded to hold 52 Americans hostage for the next 15 months. The Carter...

September 11th

On this day, the best way to honor the dead is to reassert -- and expand -- the values that made their lives in this country (and our own) possible. This means rebuilding the World Trade Center -- with private dollars and within the capitalist framework. It means...

America’s Timid War on Terrorism

Although American forces impressively deposed the tyrannical regime of Saddam Hussein, the nearly two-year-long War on Terrorism is, in fact, going badly.The tragedy is that we lack not weapons, nor military prowess, nor bravery; our military is the most powerful in...

Why We’re Losing the War on Terrorism

Let the remembrances begin; in the time since the worst attack in American history, it is proper to remember what happened, to celebrate heroic acts and to mourn the staggering loss of life. There is sadness, yes, but the root of the sadness must be examined, too:...

Sept 11th: One Month Until The Anniversary

Next month it will be the second anniversary of the worst day in American history. How goes the war? To our government's credit there has not been a repeat terrorist attack in the US. The Taliban government was overthrown. Saddam Hussein is no longer a potentially...

The NY Time’s 9-11 Scam

The New York Times -- unrelenting champion of the underprivileged, mighty battler against all corporate evils, and vehement opponent of Republican tax cuts for the "rich and powerful" -- lives by a far more self-serving motto: All the corporate welfare that's fit to...

Vile 9-11 Vultures

The fraud trial of Cyril Kendall begins this week in New York City. Kendall is a 52-year-old Guyanese national who has apparently used every chance he has had in America, including the September 11 attacks, to scheme and scam. He faces felony grand larceny and forgery...

Iran is the Root of Islamic Terrorism

Following an overwhelming military victory in Iraq, the Bush administration has renewed its pursuit of creating a Palestinian terrorist state, instead of focusing on the premier sponsor of anti-American terrorism: Iran. While the administration once again entangles...

America’s Double Standard on Terrorism Against Israel

Recent events have rekindled simmering feelings in Israel that its chief ally and supporter -- America -- actively applies a glaring double standard when it comes to how to deal with the terrorist threat facing the citizens of both nations. This issue was thrust back...

It Is Time to Make A Martyr

It Is Time to Make A Martyr

Sheik Ahmed Yassin, spiritual leader of the Palestinian Islamic terrorist group Hamas, has called for Muslims to attack American and Western interests if the United States attacks Iraq. From the New York Times, February 7, 2003: In an open letter released today, the...

Markets, the Dollar, and the “War on Terrorism”

Investors should expect continued weakness in the dollar over the coming months and year, by 8-12% against most major currencies. Dollar weakness this year already has exerted a bearish influence on U.S. stocks and will continue to do so with a lag. If, as we expect,...

God Bless Our Assassins, Commandos and Bombs

In the past few weeks radical Muslims have attacked again, including a bombing of a French ship, a bombing that killed hundreds--mostly Australians--in Indonesia, bombings in the Philippines, and possibly a bombing of a Moscow McDonald's restaurant. The director of...

Terrorism: The Second-Biggest Threat to America

Throughout the "war on terrorism," we have all heard our nation's leaders pay extensive lip service to "protecting America." But if "America" is just a collection of people on a slab of land somewhere, then there's no significant difference between the United States...

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