Selling “The Big Lies” helps Hollywood to keep alive the fantasy that the Left is the victim rather than the perpetrator of injustice.
Michael Berliner
Columbus Day: A Time to Celebrate
Underlying the political collectivism of the anti-Columbus crowd is a racist view of human nature.
Put the Independence Back in Independence Day
The American Revolution remains unique in human history: a revolution–and a nation–founded on a moral principle, the principle of individual rights.
The Danger of Radical Environmentalism
The fundamental goal of environmentalism is not clean air and clean water; rather, it is the demolition of technological/industrial civilization. Environmentalism’s goal is not the advancement of human health, human happiness, and human life; rather, it is a subhuman world where “nature” is worshipped like the totem of some primitive religion.
Whittaker Chambers’s Review of Ayn Rand’s Novel “Atlas Shrugged” in The National Review
“Mr. Chambers is an ex-Communist. He has attacked Atlas Shrugged in the best tradition of the Communists–by lies, smears, and cowardly misrepresentations.”
Put the Independence Back in Independence Day
Independence is the foundation of America. Independence is what should be celebrated on Independence Day.
Ayn Rand: A Legacy of Reason and Freedom
Ayn Rand left a legacy in defense of reason and freedom that serves as a guidepost for the American spirit–especially pertinent today when America and what it stands for are under assault.
On Earth Day Remember: If Environmentalists Succeed, They Will Make Human Life Impossible
The expressed goal of environmentalism is to prevent man from changing his environment, from intruding on nature. That is why environmentalism is *the enemy of man, the enemy of human life*.
Terrorists vs. America: What America Stands For and Why the Terrorists Hate Us
The fundamental battle we face today consists not of bombs and rockets, but of ideas–the ideas of those who value human life on earth versus the ideas of those who oppose it.
Why Rent Control is Immoral
Rent controls don’t work, and its advocates know it.
Diversity and Multiculturalism: The New Racism
“Racial identity” erects an unbridgeable gulf between people, as though they were different species, with nothing fundamental in common.
The Christopher Columbus Controversy: Western Civilization vs. Primitivism
We must recognize that everyone is a sovereign entity, with the power of choice and independent judgment. That is the ultimate value of Western civilization, and it should be proudly proclaimed.
The Big Lie in Hollywood: The Hollywood Ten Were Not Victims But Villains
Selling “The Big Lies” helps Hollywood to keep alive the fantasy that the Left is the victim rather than the perpetrator of injustice.
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