Liberate domestic industry to mine and process them cost-effectively; encourage friendly trading partners to do the same; and stop artificially driving up demand before supply chains are ready.
Instant Stone, Just Add Water: The Pure Magic of Cement
We start with rock, crush and burn it to extract its essence in powdered form, and then reconstitute it at a place and time and in a shape of our choosing. Like coffee or pancake mix, it is “instant stone—just add water!” And with it, we make skyscrapers that reach hundreds of stories high, tunnels that go under the English channel and the Swiss Alps, and bridges that stretch a hundred miles.
The Ins and Outs of Covid Vaccine Safety
Whatever the truth is, we need to convincingly determine whether there is a problem or not and make that evidence public. Rather than the CDC and FDA feeding the public with inferior VAERS data that cannot answer the question, Americans deserve to be presented with solid evidence from the superior VSD and BEST systems.
Facebook Is Trying to Look Like the Good Guy on Section 230. Don’t Buy It.
Zuckerberg is as disingenuous in his stated aims as are the lawmakers. None of them actually care about free speech, truthful information, or bias. This is about money and control, as it almost always is when it comes to the government.
Three – No, Four – Cheers for Space-Travelling Billionaires
The era of private space travel is well underway – and the enemies of capitalism do not like it.
Boom Supersonic: Flight Times May Soon Be Cut in Half—Thanks to Capitalism
“I have a fundamental belief that supersonic flight, done right, is good for people. When there’s a criticism, you first have to look in the mirror and ask, ‘Is there validity to it?’ And if there is, shut up and go fix it.” – Blake Scholl, CEO BOOM Supersonic
Roundabouts Are Better
I hate waiting at traffic lights. There’s a solution: traffic circles, or roundabouts.
Julian Simon: The Ultimate Resource is The Human Mind
Each person born brings a mouth to feed and hands with which to scratch the ground, but most importantly, each new person brings a mind with which to have new ideas. The key, Simon argues, is freedom. When free minds are blessed with political and economic freedom, they can accomplish anything.
The Private Space Race
For-profit competition brings us the best things in life.
How a South Korean Biotech Company Created COVID-19 Testing Kits In Three Weeks
To understand how Seegene accomplished the fast development and production of the testing kits, we must grasp the four crucial values at play—values that we cannot afford to lose, even during a pandemic: reason, independent thinking, production, and freedom.
Facebook and Google Must Answer to the Market
Facebook and Google’s ability to watch their customers has made many uncomfortable, but after 2018 both know that their customers are watching back.
How Amazon Benefits Consumers and Small Businesses
For small retailers, especially those selling goods Amazon itself does not choose to carry, Amazon Marketplace may be the entire reason for their existence.
Consumers and Not Bureaucrats Should Regulate Facebook and Google
Our economy depends on the continued forward march of technological progress. But with this growth come new problems and, inevitably, new regulation. We must ensure that this regulation does not stifle tomorrow’s innovations, whose details we cannot predict in...
Break Up Government, Not Tech Companies
A Response to Elizabeth Warren’s Fascist Plan To Break Up Successful Tech Companies
Social Media Bias II
When social media platforms only pick certain politically disfavored positions to add Wiki links to, they skew debate.
Social Media Trickery
I’m glad Twitter purges robots and Facebook bans posts that call for direct violence (that’s illegal, after all). But I worry when big media companies start policing content.
FCC Ends The Net Neutrality Attack on Internet Freedom
Regulating public utilities to be “neutral” has led to ever-escalating prices and poor service (think of postal services and roads), due to inefficient operations and the lack of incentives—competition—to lower costs and to improve service.
In Defense of the Automobile: Automobiles Are A Solution, Not A Scourge
It is critical to robust intellectual discussion of modern human life to acknowledge and celebrate the liberating role that the automobile has played in making this the greatest era in history for human flourishing.
Net Neutrality Is Turning the Internet into a Government Utility
The great crime of government regulation is that it suffocates and prevents good and great things from happening, things that we’ll never know about — because they never get a chance to happen.
Say Good Night, Internet
The federal government cannot stand the idea that the Internet economy was a successful instance of (in today’s context) relatively unhampered market capitalism.
New Technology: Can the Government Really Pick Winners?
Innovations do not always occur at the speed or in the direction that government officials would like.
Vaccines: Hygiene, Sanitation, Immunization, and Pestilential Diseases (Part 2 of 2)
The benefits of modern vaccines, not forgetting the tremendously salutary impact on health and longevity wrought about by better living conditions, hygiene, and sanitation, in general, and the introduction and subsequent widespread use of antibiotics, in particular.
Vaccines: Jenner, Pasteur, and the Dawn of Scientific Medicine (Part 1 of 2)
Dr. Edward Jenner (1749-1823), the English country physician, deserves the largest share of the credit for widespread vaccination and eventual eradication of smallpox. He is one among those great medical giants who, almost single handedly, laid down a great foundation block in the construction of the ever-growing edifice of medical knowledge.
Fairness Doctrine for the Internet? It Could Be Coming…
Have you forgotten about Obama's attempt to control the Internet -- in Orwellian doublespeak known as "Net Neutrality"? Well, the Republican House of Representatives (to their credit) has not forgotten. Two days before Christmas, the FCC issued “net...
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