
The Case for EV Freedom

Government should remove all preferences for electric vehicles and allow them to compete and grow on a free market. This will enable EVs to reach their full potential to provide affordable, no-tailpipe-emissions transport without harming consumers or the grid.

Instant Stone, Just Add Water: The Pure Magic of Cement

Instant Stone, Just Add Water: The Pure Magic of Cement

We start with rock, crush and burn it to extract its essence in powdered form, and then reconstitute it at a place and time and in a shape of our choosing. Like coffee or pancake mix, it is “instant stone—just add water!” And with it, we make skyscrapers that reach hundreds of stories high, tunnels that go under the English channel and the Swiss Alps, and bridges that stretch a hundred miles.

The Ins and Outs of Covid Vaccine Safety

The Ins and Outs of Covid Vaccine Safety

Whatever the truth is, we need to convincingly determine whether there is a problem or not and make that evidence public. Rather than the CDC and FDA feeding the public with inferior VAERS data that cannot answer the question, Americans deserve to be presented with solid evidence from the superior VSD and BEST systems.

Julian Simon: The Ultimate Resource is The Human Mind

Julian Simon: The Ultimate Resource is The Human Mind

Each person born brings a mouth to feed and hands with which to scratch the ground, but most importantly, each new person brings a mind with which to have new ideas. The key, Simon argues, is freedom. When free minds are blessed with political and economic freedom, they can accomplish anything.

Social Media Bias II

Social Media Bias II

When social media platforms only pick certain politically disfavored positions to add Wiki links to, they skew debate.

Social Media Trickery

Social Media Trickery

I’m glad Twitter purges robots and Facebook bans posts that call for direct violence (that’s illegal, after all). But I worry when big media companies start policing content.

Say Good Night, Internet

Say Good Night, Internet

The federal government cannot stand the idea that the Internet economy was a successful instance of (in today’s context) relatively unhampered market capitalism.

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