In case you haven't heard, Obama's FCC has passed new rules requiring private companies who provide Internet services to submit to control under the government. What will government's rules be? Those are yet to be determined. But the government alone will decide what...
Net Neutrality vs. Internet Freedom
Google has no more right to demand that Verizon be “neutral” with its network than Verizon has a right to demand that Google be “neutral” with its coveted advertising space.
Anarchy on the Internet
The Internet provides vast amounts of information but it can also spread vast amounts of misinformation, or even deliberately misleading disinformation. For more than two weeks, scarcely a day has gone by without e-mails pouring in to me, asking about columns that...
“Net Neutrality”: Destroyer of Internet Freedom
Advocates of "net neutrality" are apoplectic amid reports that ISP Comcast slowed down file-sharing programs on its network. The FCC is threatening action against Comcast, while advocates of a new net-neutrality law sponsored by Congressman Edward Markey are taking...
Truly Disgusting: Internet Gambling Prohibition Act of 1999
The House of Representatives voted 245 to 159 to pass the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act of 1999. Because of a rule requiring two-thirds approval, the measure didn't pass. Its sponsor, Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., plans to introduce it again when only a majority is needed...
The United Nation’s First Salvo In Its Bid To Take Over and Censor The Internet
This then is the real reason the United Nations seeks control of the Internet. It’s particularly interested in gaining access to your personal records.
Fallacy of Self-Exclusion
For several years now, Research In Motion (makers of the blackberry) and NTP have been embroiled in an intellectual property dispute wherein NTP claims that RIM is infringing some of its patents. As part of the dispute NTP was granted an injunction against RIM which...
The United Nations Should Not Control the Internet
If the UN is given control of the Internet, we can expect free trade and freedom of speech to be crushed.
U.N. Plan for Internet Control Tiptoes Forward
The phantom of government-controlled Internet has raised its menacing head again, this time on the global level. "Even the definition of what we mean by Internet governance is a subject of debate. But the world has a common interest in ensuring the security and...
Ban Internet Taxes? The Taxman Clicketh
One of Feulner's Laws of Public Policy reads: "There are no permanent victories in Washington." These days, we're seeing that law borne out over Internet taxation.This looked settled years ago. Congress has voted twice--in 1998 and 2001--to ban any taxes on Internet...
Help Bring Honesty to Government Contracts: Shine the Internet’s Light on Them
You want honesty in government, right? Enough to take 15 minutes out of your busy day to encourage Uncle Sam to jumpstart an obscure but potentially historic project that could shine more light on Washington than ever before? There is no formal name for the project,...
Americans with Disabilities Act vs. The Internet
Common sense may seem in short supply in today's litigation-happy world, but it got a boost recently from -- of all places -- Florida, where a federal judge tossed out a lawsuit claiming that Southwest Airlines' Web site violated the Americans with Disabilities Act....
Diseasing of America: Addiction Treatment Out of Control by Stanton Peele
America is suffering from an epidemic of pseudo-diseases, says psychologist Stanton Peele.
No Internet Taxes
Q. Says here a lot of governors are upset about Internet scofflaws not paying the taxes they owe. Who are these bums? A. Well, there's Governor Leavitt of Utah, Governor Engler of Mich-- Q. No, not the governors! I meant who are the bums who aren't paying their taxes?...
News Flash to Broadband Service Providers: Internet Service is a Utility, Not a Game of Magic 8 Ball
I am a subscriber to the Angry Charter Users list server. This list server is intended for users in a different geographical area than my own, but I follow the postings because it helps me understand the extent to which my service problems are local, regional, or...
Warning, Congress! Look Before You Leap Into Internet Privacy Thicket
House Majority Leader Richard Armey this week provided some sound advice to his colleagues intent on passing privacy restrictions for the Internet -- Let's look at government privacy practices first. Armey noted a litany of abuses by federal agencies, from the...
The Eng@ged Customer: The New Rules of Internet Direct Marketing
The following is an excerpt from the book The Engaged Customer: The New Rules of Internet Direct Marketing:It may sound odd, but the Holy Grail of Internet commerce and marketing is to provide the same kind of service that merchants and storekeepers did about a...
Is Hong Kong’s Superstar Internet IPO “Tom.Com” Made of Smoke and Mirrors?
People in Hong Kong occasionally get a little over-enthusiastic when trying to buy hard-to-get items. When a real estate property is hot, for instance, both homebuyers and gangsters swamp agents with offers to buy. A few years ago, kids, parents, and their maids...
Pirates of the Internet
For years, lawyers representing Silicon Valley were rightly emphasizing the importance of intellectual property rights.Such rights were the major issue in the final Uraguay round of GATT meetings. At that time, trade negotiators warned that American companies and...
Brothers in Ideas: The Buddhist Dalai Lama and the Internet Tax Hoaxer
A frequent visitor to the United States, the Dalai Lama's popularity increases with every trip. Forty thousand people heard him speak in Central Park recently, up from five thousand in 1991, and five thousand people from around the country are expected each day of a...
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