In The Theory of Money and Credit, Mises shows that money was originally developed by men in a market setting.
Ayn Rand Bookstore
American Steel: Hot Metal Men and the Resurrection of the Rust Belt by Richard Preston
This is the riveting story of a company that dared to develop a revolutionary method of steel-production, which the rest of the industry had dismissed as too risky.
The War Against The Intellect by Peter Shaw
It is the radical thesis of this extraordinary book that rationality is under assault by the academic community.
Breaking The Banks Central Banking Problems and Free Banking Solutions by Richard Salsman
This book is an uncompromising argument for freedom in the realm of banking.
C. Bradley Thompson on John Adams and The Spirit of Liberty
C. Bradley Thompson is the Chairman of the Department of History and Political Science at Ashland University in Ohio. He received his Ph.D at Brown University. He has also been a visiting fellow at Harvard University, a John Adams Fellow at the University of London,...
The Wealth Creators by Gerald Gunderson
The radical nature of this book is fully captured by its title. For it is Gunderson's theme that wealth is created—not stolen, exploited or simply stumbled upon. He argues that creative thinking is what underlies the act of creating wealth. To defend this thesis, the...
Three Books on The State of Education
Why our disintegrating culture is turning out so many people who are so much less than men can be.
Books: Economic Policy Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow by Ludwig von Mises
Economic Policy is a marvelous introduction to economics—and to one of the greatest economists of all time.
Books: Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior By Helmut Schoeck
The theme of Schoeck’s book is that envy is man’s most destructive emotion, and that societies which enshrine envy remain backward and undeveloped.
A Law Onto Itself: The IRS and the Abuse of Power by David Burnham
The author, a former investigative reporter, shows that the agency has virtually unlimited authority to invade your privacy, seize your wealth, ruin your reputation and generally make your life miserable.
The Myth of The Robber Barons by Burton W. Folsom, Jr.
This illuminating new study of the history of American industry from 1840 to 1920 identifies two opposite types of businessmen.
Books: Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the Sixties by Peter Collier and David Horowitz
It is hard for those who did not witness it to grasp the depths of irrationalism and violence to which our culture—-or at least its leaders—descended in the late ’60s.
Diseasing of America: Addiction Treatment Out of Control by Stanton Peele
America is suffering from an epidemic of pseudo-diseases, says psychologist Stanton Peele.
The Content of Our Character by Shelby Steele
Blacks are too often unwilling to accept individual responsibility for their lives and to exert individual initiative to create opportunities for success.
Books: The Failure of The “New Economics” An Analysis of the Keynesian Fallacies by Henry Hazlitt
Hazlitt’s book remains the supreme debunker of the Keynesian system.
Economic Liberties And The Constitution By Bernard H. Siegan
Although the Founding Fathers were committed to protecting the individual’s property rights as well as his political/ intellectual rights, the Supreme Court since the 1930s has consistently failed to protect the former.
Economic Freedom And Interventionism By Ludwig von Mises
These essays comprise a Mises “candy sampler,” to complement the more enduring intellectual banquet he offers in his treatises.
Trashing the Planet: How Science can Help Us Deal with Acid Rain, Depletion of the Ozone and Nuclear Waste (Among Other Things) by Dixy Lee Ray, with Lou Guzzo
Despite its possibly misleading title, Trashing the Planet is a tightly argued, well-written antidote to environmentalist disinformation, and a defense of reason, technology and, indirectly, capitalism.
The Doomsday Myth by Charles Maurice and Charles Smithson
Every page of this book stands as a decisive refutation of the “Club of Rome” and “Limits to Growth” schools of Malthusian economics.
Live Rent-Free For Life by Scott Gardner
Scott Gardner made the mistake of becoming a landlord in New York City without realizing the inhuman treatment he would receive by the rent control bureaucracy.
Inside The PLO By Neil Livingstone and David Halevy
This book is must reading for anyone who wants in-depth knowledge of how the PLO operates and what its sources of support—material and moral—are.
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