Both sides in the abortion debate invoke the principle of “rights.” Anti-abortionists claim to uphold a “right to life”; Pro-choice advocates a woman’s “right to abortion.” Neither side holds a rigorously defined theory of rights.
Women’s Rights
Free Abortions vs. Abortion Freedom
If support for reproductive rights is so strong, why won’t Democrats run on a promise to pass legislation to make abortion unambiguously legal?
Transgender Women in Sports: Unfair Competition?
In most every athletic category, men are much stronger. Testosterone blockers just can’t close the gap.
Disparities Galore: Only Political Inequality is Unjust
The only kind of equality consistent with liberty is equality before the law — which doesn’t require that people be in fact equal.
We Have an Identity Problem
It’s biology, and not political agendas, that determine one’s race and sex.
Campus Lunacy, Part II
On the hypocrisy behind the student renaming craze.
Individualism and Capitalism vs. Marxian Gender and Race Conflict: Trigger Words and College Safe Spaces
In our post-Soviet era, the Marxian framework and mind games have been transformed into issues concerning “gender” and “race” as well as “social class.”
The Flawed Premise In Conscripting Women Into The Military
You do not preserve a free country by enslaving its citizens to perform life-or-death activities.
Identity Politics and a Women President
I don’t want a woman president or a male president. I want the best one available.
What’s Holding Women Back in the Workplace?
Among the many reasons for gross disparities in many fields, and at different income levels, is that human beings differ in what they want to do, quite aside from any differences in what they are capable of doing, or what others permit them to do.
“Diversity” as The New Academic Fascism
Benefactors should stop giving money to universities that endorse anti-free speech and racist diversity policy. Simply go to a university’s website. If you find an office of diversity, close your pocketbook.
No Government Funding for Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood should be defunded by the federal government. But not because of what the organization does. It should be defunded because government should not be forcing some citizens to pay for the reproductive needs of others. While birth control and abortion are, and should be, perfectly legal procedures which the government stays completely out of, the government has no business funding them.
Odds and Ends: Crime, Diversity and Sex Equality
The last thing academic diversity means is diversity in thought.
Hillary Clinton’s Armor
Inside the Clinton scandal manual.
On The “Pay Gap” Between Men and Women
The “gender gap” is not nearly as big as the honesty gap.
The Feminist Male Demonizing Fantasy of “Rape Culture”
If we forget the difference between violent and non-violent conduct, no one is safe. If we pretend everyone is guilty instead of a few real criminals, rapists win.
Interview: Brandeis Prof. Thomas Doherty in Defense of Infidel Author Ayaan Hirsi Ali
After being abused by Moslems in Somalia, Ayaan Hirsi Ali moved to the Netherlands. She became an outspoken critic of Islam and wrote a screenplay for Submission, a 2004 movie that specifically critiques Moslem treatment of women.
Feminism Submits to Islam
Where are the feminists outraged by the Brandeis decision?
Statistical Frauds: War on Women
The “war on women” political slogan is in fact a war against common sense.
Sex and Race Equality
Should we insist upon equal treatment of people by race and sex or tolerate differences in treatment?
War on Women
It’s fine if dance and art groups are mostly women, but if athletic teams are too male, lawsuits follow.
Hillary Clinton Insults Herself–and Women Everywhere
Hillary Clinton recently said she hoped the U.S. would elect a woman to the White House because it would send "exactly the right historical signal" to men, women and children. She said women in politics need to "dare to compete" and the nation needs to "take that leap...
Sex and the Military
The headline on the front page of the New York Times said it all: "Women in the Senate Confront the Military on Sex Assaults." In a triumphalist article showcasing the growing numbers of women on the Senate Armed Services Committee, "one of the Senate's most...
Hillary Clinton’s Hissy Fit
From forcing Americans into the enslavement of the medical profession, which is being accomplished by the man who defeated her and conferred her current diplomatic status, to leading what may be the worst foreign policy in American history, with major progression toward nuclear weapons by our arch-enemies, Hillary Clinton, despite her facade of competence, is a failure and a fraud in every respect.
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