Elon Musk claim that humanity is headed for “universal high income” instead of UBI is possible to the extent that peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice prevail. That means reducing the power of the state rather than extending it with UBI or other collectivist social experiments.
Capitalism and The Exploitation of Third World Countries
To then accuse capitalism of causing the poverty — while in the very act of eradicating it — is to commit both a historical error and a profound injustice.
A Sad Story Isn’t an Argument for the Welfare State
Motivating us to feel sorry for the poor and down trodden allows the Leftists to cash in their trump card—the widespread belief that we have a moral obligation to serve those in need.
How to End Poverty: Stop “Redistributing” Wealth
Poverty cannot be reduced, in the long term, by “redistribution” of wealth. It can only be done by leaving people free to produce and keep the wealth they create.
The NYT Just Compared Biden’s Spending Bill to LBJ’s ‘War on Poverty.’
There’s Just One Problem: That War Failed
Infrastructure Bill as Political Plunder and Social Engineering
Nothing says you really “care” in politics as a demand to spend $1 trillion of other people’s money on “essential” public “need.”
Private Charity versus the Political Grinches
End Government Paternalism and the Private Sector Will Do the Job
Better Than Charity: Capitalism and Self-Interest
What helps the most people in the most efficient way is greedy, self-interested capitalism.
Universal Basic Income Makes Welfare More Efficient, Which is Bad, Dummy
Sadly, conservatives and libertarians are perpetuating this myth that the UBI will replace the overgrown welfare system, or serve as a substantial alternative.
Crony Altruism: What’s Inside The $2.3 Trillion 2020 Bailout
This bailout is quite unfair to those relatively few states that are responsible with their finances. Through this federal action, taxpayers in those states have to bail out the government officials and citizens of irresponsible states.
Forbidden Parenting
Some parents are so neglectful that government should intervene, but not by “telling us every little detail how to raise our children.”
Give, Don’t Govern
Government’s built-in ignorance explains how it can spend trillions on failed poverty programs, and then respond to the failure by demanding more funds to continue the same programs.
The U.S. Welfare System’s Paternalistic History
“We should measure welfare’s success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added.”
Replace Social Security Ponzi Schemes with Private Savings Accounts
Social Security is running out of money. You may not believe that, but it's a fact. That FICA money taken from your paycheck was not saved for you in a "trust fund." Politicians misled us. They spent every penny the moment it came in. This started as soon as they...
Abolish the Welfare State to Solve the National Debt Crisis
Why is it so difficult to win the case for freedom in modern American society? A variety of possible answers come to mind. The collectivists are more effective in appealing to people’s emotions. The interventionist-welfare-statist argument is easier to make than it is...
Welfare Handouts for the Rich are Anti-Capitalism
Consumers pay more and almost every food business suffers because a few big sugar companies have the political clout to get themselves a sweet deal.
Legalized Plunder By Congress: An American Way of Life
The only way Congress can give one American $1 is to first take it from another American.
The Government Created Slums of San Francisco
People in San Francisco often claim to be concerned about helping the poor. But their many laws make life much tougher for the poor.
Football Stadium Subsidies: A Bad Deal for Taxpayers?
Football is popular enough to thrive without politicians subsidizing it.
“Democratic Socialism” Destroys
“You don’t need the government to dictate how to live your life, how much money you should make, how your family should be treated.”
Pro-Capitalist Ideas Can Reverse Out-of-Control Government Spending and Taxing
The world of plunder can be replaced with a community of free people pursuing mutually beneficial peaceful production.
Free Market Capitalism is the Humanistic Solution to the World’s Political and Economic Problems
What our world needs today is to transcend the collectivisms of the present, whether under more extreme authoritarian regimes or the seemingly milder spiders’ web of controls and commands of the interventionist-welfare state under existing democratic systems of government.
Finland Ends Its Morally Unjust Universal Basic Income Program
Universal basic income, as all government’s income ‘redistribution’ schemes, is immoral and harmful to all, including the recipients of such income.
Time to Dismiss the Nanny State
The government can, and must, protect us, but not as a nanny. It is not all-knowing, and it cannot define problems for us.
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