Scour the newspaper any day of the week and you will read stories detailing the many failures of the federal, state, and local governments or agencies, and of their stupendous ability to commit the same mistakes over and over again. Yet these agencies are the one that people turn to in times of troubles or needs.
Veronique de Rugy
Regulators Helping To Make Pandemics Worse
Politicians and bureaucrats continue to push and implement the most infuriating and misguided regulations and policies they can dream up.
Crony Altruism: What’s Inside The $2.3 Trillion 2020 Bailout
This bailout is quite unfair to those relatively few states that are responsible with their finances. Through this federal action, taxpayers in those states have to bail out the government officials and citizens of irresponsible states.
Politicians Not Letting The Coronavirus Crisis Go To Waste
In normal times the government supports many bad, irresponsible, and unjust policies, driven in part by perverse incentives. Not the least of these is an imprudent eagerness to please special interests. Emergencies and the resulting panic only further loosen whatever weak restraints there normally are against government misbehavior and malfunction.
Licensing vs. Freedom of Compeition
Licensing requirements generally restrict the supply of services in the licensed industry by prohibiting some perfectly competent workers from working as providers.
How To Disguise a Budget Increase as a Cut
The bottom line is that there is nothing historic about this budget, or these cuts.
Not as Good as NAFTA: United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA)
The best aspect is that it keeps intact 90 percent of the old NAFTA; the worst is that what is mostly new and unique in USMCA is protectionist and economically destructive.
Third Party Payments: One Problem With the U.S. Medical Care System
The pursuit of one form or another of third-party payment for health care services has removed most incentives for consumers to be careful about how they spend money.
Government Spending is the Real Tax
Milton Friedman made the observation that the true size of government is measured not by how much it rakes in currently in taxes by how much it spends.
The Dirty Secret Behind Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare-For-All
Elizabeth Warren has vehemently refused to say if the middle class would see its taxes go up to pay for M4A or how she would pay for this.
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