Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese is the publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and president of the American Policy Center:

The Sad Case of the Spotted Owl

Environmentalists are quick to lecture the rest of us about the ways of nature. Don't clean the dead trees off the forest floor, it's natural. Cattle and horses on the range aren't native, so let the grizzles and wolves devour them, it's natural. Man isn't part of the...

The Global Warming Debate

With great fanfare, in March, Al Gore took Capitol Hill like a conquering hero as he testified on Global Warming before both houses of Congress. Fresh from conquests at the Academy Awards where his adoring Hollywood elites showered him with coveted golden statues for...

Global Warming: The Other Side of the Story

"Oceans lash our coasts. Deserts Burn. The sky provides no shelter. Turmoil of Biblical proportions threatens not just our weather but life itself. Global Warming is upon us." Those words aren't from the preview trailer of the silly, overblown, over dramatic film,...

Fidel Castro is a Communist

For fifty years the American left has promoted the image of Fidel Castro as a great humanitarian who has saved his people in a workers' paradise. Here's a fact: Fidel Castro is a communist. Period. Communists are not humanitarians. They are vile, brutal thugs who use...

The “Specter” of Condemnation Hangs Over All Property

It's unfortunate for property owners that the battle for the right to own and control their land has fallen on the shrugging shoulders of Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA). The Senator is Chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee, which will decide the fate of...

The New Religion is Global Warming

The New Religion is Global Warming

The UN finally got what it wanted. The Kyoto Climate Change treaty becomes 'international law' this month on Wednesday. The treaty went into full effect with the approval by the Russian Federation, even without the support of the United States. Time will tell if and...

Congress Must Get Us Out of UNESCO. Again!

The nation laid Ronald Reagan to rest with a massive outpouring of respect and affection for the accomplishments of this great man. One of his most important achievements was to get the United States out of the United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural...

High Prices at the Gas Pump: NIMBYS, BANANAS and Greens

Prices at gas pumps are at some of the highest levels ever this summer and Americans want answers. In particular they want the names and numbers of those to blame. To answer that question perhaps they should simply consult the phone book or look in the mirror. Because...

Country Joe and the Woodstock Generation

I'm a baby boomer and that's a curse. You see I'm stuck with the idiots from the sixties till my dying day as they whine and moan about injustice and mentally dwell forever in the days of tie-die shirts, incense, and free love. The news media, now controlled by baby...

Let the Patriot Act Die

President Bush has hit the campaign trail to save the Patriot Act, which will expire in 2005. In calling for its continuation, the President said, "we can no longer rely on false hope." Which false hope is that? The hope that America's free society will protect us...

Real Estate: Dangers of Homeowner’s Associations

Real Estate: Dangers of Homeowner’s Associations

I have warned many times of the dangers of homeowner's associations (HOA's). As I speak around the nation on the subject of "Sustainable Development," an environmental term intended to disguise the elimination of property rights, inevitably someone from the audience...

Total Surveillance Equals Total Tyranny

In the name of fighting terrorism a new kind of government is being implemented in Washington, D.C. We are witnessing the birth of a powerful multi-billion dollar surveillance lobby consisting of an army of special interest groups, Washington lawyers, lobbyists, and...

Pass a Law! The Evils of Toy Guns

Pass a Law! The Evils of Toy Guns

What would you do if a seven-year-old kid walked into a store where you were working or shopping and brandished a gun and said he was robbing the place? I'd slap his rear and take him home to his mother. Liberals shake in their shoes and misplace their backbones with...

The Government Says You’re Fat

As if the government isn't trying to control every aspect of your life, it has now launched a program to determine what and how much you eat. In her book, "Dependent on D.C.: The Rise of Federal Control Over the Lives of Ordinary Americans", author Charlotte A. Twight...

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