Whatever the truth is, we need to convincingly determine whether there is a problem or not and make that evidence public. Rather than the CDC and FDA feeding the public with inferior VAERS data that cannot answer the question, Americans deserve to be presented with solid evidence from the superior VSD and BEST systems.
Martin Kulldorff
Are the Covid mRNA Vaccines Safe?
Fraiman and colleagues have produced the best evidence yet regarding the overall safety of the mRNA vaccines. The results are concerning.
The Triumph of Natural Immunity
The majority already have superior natural immunity.
Should I Vaccinate My Child Against Covid?
Yesterday, Florida followed Norway by not recommending the Covid vaccine for children. The CDC recommends them.
Vaccines Save Lives
Rather than forcing the vaccine on the young or those with natural immunity, we should focus on vaccinating more older Americans, as well as older people in other countries. That is what will keep the mortality numbers down
Hospitals Should Hire, Not Fire, Nurses with Natural Immunity
For most viruses, natural immunity is better than vaccine-induced immunity, and that is also true for Covid.
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