After defeating fascists and communists, can the West now defeat the Islamists?
Daniel Pipes
BOOKS: America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It By Mark Steyn
America Alone deals at length with what Mr. Steyn calls “the larger forces at play in the developed world that have left Europe too enfeebled to resist its remorseless transformation into Eurabia.”
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the 1979-1981 U.S. Embassy Takeover
Soon after his election as president of Iran, on June 25, 2005, pictures of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad emerged showing him as a hostage-taker.
Don’t Bring That Booze into My Taxi
A minor issue at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP) has potentially major implications for the future of Islam in the United States. Starting about a decade ago, some Muslim taxi drivers serving the airport declared that they would not transport...
Israel: No Longer a Paper Tiger?
The blame for the current fighting falls entirely on Israel's enemies, who deploy inhuman methods in the service of barbaric goals. While I wish the armed forces of Israel every success against the terrorists in Gaza and Lebanon and hope they inflict a maximum defeat...
How Israel Can Win
Since I argued in an earlier column that Israel can and must defeat the Palestinian Arabs, a barrage of responses have contested this thesis. Some were trivial (Ha'aretz published an article challenging my right to opine on such matters because I do not live in...
Israel’s Substitute for Victory: Managing Conflict Without Resolving It
As Israelis go to the polls, not one of the leading parties offers the option of winning the war against the Palestinian Arabs. It's a striking and dangerous lacuna. First, some background. Wars are won, the historical record shows, when one side feels compelled to...
Sudden Jihad Syndrome at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill
"Individual Islamists may appear law-abiding and reasonable, but they are part of a totalitarian movement, and as such, all must be considered potential killers." I wrote those words days after September 11, 2001, and have been criticized for them ever since. But an...
Civil War in Iraq
The bombing on February 22 of the Askariya shrine in Samarra, Iraq, was a tragedy, but it was not an American or a coalition tragedy. The destruction of the Golden Dome, built in 1905 and one of the holiest shrines of Shiite Islam, represents an escalation of the...
Palestinians Taste a Dose of Their Own Medicine
A suicide bombing in Hadera, Israel, on October 26 that killed five people inspired the usual Palestinian joy: some 3,000 people took to the streets in celebration, chanting Allahu Akbar, calling for more suicide attacks against Israelis, and congratulating the...
Reflections on the 2005 Revolution in France
The rioting by Muslim youth that began October 27 in France to calls of “Allahu Akbar” may be a turning point in European history.
Iran’s Final Solution Plan
"Iran's stance has always been clear on this ugly phenomenon [i.e., Israel]. We have repeatedly said that this cancerous tumor of a state should be removed from the region." No, those are not the words of Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, speaking last week....
What Do Islamist Terrorists Want?
What do Islamist terrorists want? The answer should be obvious, but it is not. A generation ago, terrorists did make clear their wishes. Upon hijacking three airliners in September 1970, for example, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine demanded, with...
Today Gaza, Tomorrow Jerusalem
Are Israel's critics correct? Does the "occupation" of the West Bank and Gaza cause the Palestinian Arabs' anti-Semitism, their suicide factories, and their terrorism? And is it true these horrors will end only when Israeli civilians and troops leave the territories?...
The Eradication of Polio and the Conspiracy-Theory Mentality
A worldwide campaign begun in 1988 to eradicate the polio infection was on the verge of success when, early in 2003, a conspiracy theory took hold of the Muslim population in northern Nigeria.
Pro-Israel Palestinians
For all their rhetoric about Israel's "vicious" and "brutal" occupation, Palestinian Arabs -- including their leaders -- sometimes let down their guard and acknowledge how they prefer Israel to the Palestinian Authority. Here are some recurring themes: Restraints on...
Palestinians Who Cling to Israel
Israel's interior minister recently declared that after their release from long jail sentences, four Palestinian Arabs convicted of helping with suicide bombings in 2002, killing 35, will be expelled from Israel. They would, the Associated Press reported, "lose the...
Books: Understanding Jihad
Cook’s achievement lies in tracing the evolution of jihad from Muhammad to Osama, following how the concept has changed through fourteen centuries.
London Terrorism: British “Covenant of Security” with Islamists Ends
The country had gone from safe haven to enemy camp.
American Border Secrets
What steps should Western border agencies take to defend their homelands from harm by Islamists? In the case of non-citizens, the answer is simple: Don't let Islamists in. Exclude not just potential terrorists but also anyone who supports the totalitarian goals of...
Which Privileges for Islam?
Throughout the West, Muslims are making new and assertive demands, and in some cases challenging the very premises of European and North American life. How to respond? Here is a general rule: Offer full rights -- but turn down demands for special privileges. By way of...
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