Patriots for the Defense of America

The mission of Patriots for the Defense of America is to promote a strong, uncompromising foreign policy and to defend America's right to self-defense against enemy nations.

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America’s Failing War Effort (Part 12 of 12): Conclusion

Recent criticism of the Bush administration has focused on the limitations of American intelligence in failing to predict September 11th, and the shortcomings current plans for homeland defense. In truth, however, these problems are only superficial. If anything, the...

America’s Failing War Effort (Part 8 of 12): Pakistan

Pakistan's relationship to terrorism parallels Saudi Arabia's in virtually every respect. The government of Pakistan has in the past offered substantial indirect support to terrorists, but has now pledged support for the American war against terrorism. Like Saudi...

America’s Failing War Effort (Part 7 of 12): Saudi Arabia

In many ways Saudi Arabia is the "elephant in the room" of American foreign policy: its role in the cultivation of terror is so central and so pervasive, and yet no one in the Bush White House is willing to acknowledge it openly. The story of Saudi Arabia's role in...

America’s Failing War Effort (Part 5 of 12): North Korea

Even though the current war has been deemed a "war on terrorism," this is a misnomer. One does not go to war with a method of fighting, one goes to war with an enemy. And for this reason the current war is far wider than even a war against militant Islam. It is...

America’s Failing War Effort (Part 1 of 12): A Report Card

Two years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, there are two leading evaluations of the Bush Administration's "war on terrorism." One side, generally right-wing and supportive of the war, is optimistic about its progress, and regards Bush as heroic. The...

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