We have so far discussed the aims of the war and the weapons used to fight it. Aside from pointing to the proper moral principles that ought to guide the selection of either, we have not said much about the formal process by which foreign policy decisions are to be...
Patriots for the Defense of America
Visit their website at: http://defenseofamerica.org/
America’s Failing War Effort (Part 10 of 12): Military Deployment and Readiness
It is presumptuous and impossible for civilian laymen to evaluate the intricacies of military policy. These are details best left to experts in military science. But civilians are in a position to evaluate the overall strategies of military policy, insofar as they...
America’s Failing War Effort (Part 9 of 12): Israel and the Palestinians
In the preceding sections, we have evaluated the Bush administration's approach toward America's enemies, and the supporters of its enemies. In these categories, we have found that while the United States has taken some extremely limited steps to defend itself, it has...
America’s Failing War Effort (Part 8 of 12): Pakistan
Pakistan's relationship to terrorism parallels Saudi Arabia's in virtually every respect. The government of Pakistan has in the past offered substantial indirect support to terrorists, but has now pledged support for the American war against terrorism. Like Saudi...
America’s Failing War Effort (Part 7 of 12): Saudi Arabia
In many ways Saudi Arabia is the "elephant in the room" of American foreign policy: its role in the cultivation of terror is so central and so pervasive, and yet no one in the Bush White House is willing to acknowledge it openly. The story of Saudi Arabia's role in...
America’s Failing War Effort (Part 6 of 12): The Breeding Grounds
So far we have evaluated America's policies toward its declared enemies, those governments which have openly announced their hostility toward the United States. But there is another category of nations, whose governments profess to support the American war, but which...
America’s Failing War Effort (Part 5 of 12): North Korea
Even though the current war has been deemed a "war on terrorism," this is a misnomer. One does not go to war with a method of fighting, one goes to war with an enemy. And for this reason the current war is far wider than even a war against militant Islam. It is...
America’s Failing War Effort (Part 4 of 13) The Cold War Against “The Axis of Evil”
In his first State of the Union address after September 11th, 2001, President Bush alerted the world to the existence of an "axis of evil," arrayed against the United States and its allies, consisting of three nations: Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. Since then critics...
America’s Failing War Effort (Part 3 of 12): Afghanistan
While the objectives of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan differed significantly, their shortcomings had much in common. Whereas the war with Iraq was justified by reference to evidence of a somewhat indeterminate WMD threat, the case for war in Afghanistan was based...
America’s Failing War Effort (Part 2 of 12): Iraq
Despite the rapidity and efficiency of the American war in Iraq--and the glowing moments accompanying the liberation of Baghdad--the Bush administration has confronted a series of embarrassments since major combat operations were declared over on May 1st. The worst of...
America’s Failing War Effort (Part 1 of 12): A Report Card
Two years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, there are two leading evaluations of the Bush Administration's "war on terrorism." One side, generally right-wing and supportive of the war, is optimistic about its progress, and regards Bush as heroic. The...
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