On Oct. 3, an illegal alien truck driver from Canada was caught hauling a shipment of Humvees into northern Maine. They weren't just any Humvees. They were U.S. military Humvees scheduled for delivery from the Texas Army National Guard in Houston to the Maine National...
Michelle Malkin
Please contact your local newspaper editor if you want to read the MICHELLE MALKIN column in your hometwon paper.
The “Bloviator’s” New Best Friend
Alec "the Bloviator" Baldwin has a new bosom buddy: Beltway Republican strategist Grover Norquist. The Bush-bashing actor-turned-activist and the Muslim vote-courting political organizer joined together at a Washington, D.C.-area conference last weekend to perpetuate...
The Remarkable Bobby Jindal vs. the Liberal Bigotry of the New York Times
The condescension of The New York Times toward minority conservatives is so thick, you need a Cuisinart electric carving knife to slice it. On Oct. 12, Times editorial writer Adam Cohen penned a hit piece masquerading as a profile of Bobby Jindal, the remarkable...
P.C. Insanity at the Pentagon
If Osama bin Laden snuck into our country illegally, bought fake immigration papers and changed his name to Osmundo Ben Ladeno, could he join the U.S. military? You betcha! Last week, the Army announced that Pvt. Juan Escalante, a 19-year-old illegal alien from Mexico...
P.C. Religious Police vs. America’s Military
There's something terribly wrong when an American soldier overseas can't receive Scriptures in the mail, but a Muslim chaplain can preach freely among al Qaeda and Taliban enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay. This is a story of two soldiers, one Christian, one Muslim....
Hollywood’s Favorite Child Molester
One of the most popular movies currently playing at the box office, "Jeepers Creepers 2," is a teen horror flick directed by a stomach-turning registered sex offender who was convicted of molesting a 12-year-old-boy he targeted, groomed, seduced, and filmed in...
The Moose is On Fire
I can't change the TV channels without seeing the ubiquitous mug of former Montgomery County, Md., police chief-turned-author Charles A. Moose. First, it was "Dateline NBC" with Stone Phillips. The following morning, he chatted up the "Today" show's Matt Lauer. Now,...
P.C. vs. the Indian Princesses
Political correctness is breaking the hearts of thousands of little girls -- and their daddies are having a hard time explaining why multicultural hypersensitivity is more important than their daughters' innocent fun. Beginning this month, the YMCA's Indian Princesses...
Spitting on Their Graves
Across the nation, public officials will strike somber poses and shed television-friendly tears and bow their blow-dried heads in memory of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks. They'll hold hands, light candles, and pass around a plateful of platitudes:...
The “New New” Madonna for Mother of the Year?
The open-mouthed kisses between aging pop star Madonna and 15th-minute celebrity clingers Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, broadcast on MTV last week, received widespread media attention. The Sapphic spectacle was rightly condemned as vulgar, cynical, and...
Bill Janklow Should Step Down From Office
It's all a big joke to Rep. Bill Janklow, the Republican congressman from South Dakota with a lead foot, a hollow heart, and an ego the size of his Cadillac death-mobile. Conservatives with a conscience should be appalled that the powerful GOP representative, charged...
The Looters Liberals Ignore, Revisited
Three months ago, this column wondered if the New York Times would ever cover the abominable Democrat teachers' union scandal in Florida. Investigators from the FBI and Miami-Dade's Public Corruption Task Force raided the powerful United Teachers of Dade headquarters...
Home Loans for Illegal Aliens?!
The American dream of home ownership, complete with the white picket fence, is alive and well for those who break our laws and break down our fences to get in. Last week, The Washington Post published a rosy front-page tale headlined, "Illegal Immigrants Buy Into...
Bustamante, MEChA and the Media
Now that Democrat Cruz Bustamante is California's gubernatorial recall front-runner, we can look forward to in-depth media investigations of the Latino candidate's long-held ties to the racial separatist group MEChA, right? Ha. While Katie Couric complains about GOP...
Myth of the Muslim Hate Crime Epidemic
Do you believe that a "post-September 11 backlash" has resulted in a nationwide wave of violence and bigotry against Muslims in America? The hype artists and book-cookers at the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) want you to think so. The group's report...
Gone Fishin’ — Guilt Free
My sun-toasted toddler sits on a weathered dock, clutching her pink Barbie fishing pole with grown-up gravitas. Her pigtails bounce as she dangles her bare feet above the deep emerald lake, where her cherry red-and-white bobber waltzes in sync. She takes a swig from...
“Little Doors” For Flying Terrorists
Two questions have been left unanswered following last week's announcement by Homeland Security Department head Tom Ridge that he has temporarily suspended travel programs allowing foreigners to fly into our country without U.S. visas: Why did it take so bloody long?...
Hypocrisy, The Name is Rockefeller
Bleeding-heart liberalism for thee, but not for me. That is the expedient philosophy of the wealthy Rockefeller family. Last week, the Rockefeller rule was on full display at a little-noticed hearing in Arlington County, Va. There, Mrs. Sharon Percy Rockefeller...
Liberal Segregationists in the Schools
The spirit of George Wallace is alive and well -- among left-wing zealots in some of America's most "progressive" taxpayer-funded schools. In Oberlin, Ohio, local school board president Tony Marshall argues that only black high school teachers should teach "black...
President Bush’s Secret Service Buffoons
Shame on the Secret Service. This week, it investigated renowned editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez like he was some left-wing homeless crackpot who had sent President Bush an anthrax-laced death threat -- all because Ramirez drew a provocative cartoon that was...
Fortney “Pete” Stark: Poster Boy for Democrat Double Standards
Rep. Fortney "Pete" Stark, D-Calif., is the foul-mouthed poster boy for Liberal Double Standards. There he was on Capitol Hill last week, sounding more like Eminem than an eminent lawmaker, hurling epithets such as "fruitcake" and "c--ks----r" at Republicans during a...
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