John Bragg

John Bragg teaches world history in Prince George’s County, Maryland and serves as a policy analyst for The Center for the Advancement of Capitalism (

Dismantling North Korea’s Nukes

The Bush Administration is right to demand the dismantling, not just the suspension, of North Korea’s nuclear program.

America’s ‘Debt’ to the French

For the second time, the French have been instrumental in securing the independence of the United States of America. At the birth of our country, the assistance of the French monarchy was vital in our struggle against King George III. Today, the assistance of the...

Mr. President, Will Your Words Have Weight?

President Bush said in his press conference this week that "the fundamental question facing the Security Council is will its words mean anything; when the Security Council speaks, will the words have merit and weight?" That question, frankly, does not interest the me....

An Open Letter On Revolution in Iran

The Internet is a powerful tool for international understanding. This writer, through a chain of various links, found the web log of an anonymous Iranian girl. She had quoted the parts of President Bush's State of the Union speech on Iran. "Different threats require...

Iran’s Jihad Against Civilization Continues

"Iran's Hardliners Renew Calls for Rushdie to Die"--headline, The Independent (UK), 2/15/2003 In 1989, the government of Iran sentenced author Salman Rushdie to death for writing arguments offensive to their interpretation of Islam in his book, The Satanic Verses....

It Is Time to Make A Martyr

It Is Time to Make A Martyr

Sheik Ahmed Yassin, spiritual leader of the Palestinian Islamic terrorist group Hamas, has called for Muslims to attack American and Western interests if the United States attacks Iraq. From the New York Times, February 7, 2003: In an open letter released today, the...

How Will We Know We’ve Won?

We face an enemy that believes deeply that God is on their side. Our enemies fight both because they hate us and because they believe that, with God's help, they will triumph over us one day soon. For our enemies, this is not simply a platitude, a statement of...

On Deterrence

In recent months, there has been much discussion of deterrence, much praise of the strategy which contained the Soviet Union for fifty years until its ultimate collapse, and many figures arguing that we should rely on deterrence to contain dangerous regimes. The key...

A War of Liberation is Always a Just War

America's foremost ally, Tony Blair's Britain, has asked the United States for more time to convince the members of the United Nations Security Council of the need for war against Iraq. Blair is worried because his supporters in the Labour Party do not support a war...

The Future of the US-South Korean Alliance

The time has come to ask the question, does America's troop commitment to South Korea make the United States more secure today or less secure? Do our ground forces with South Korea help us to defend our interests, or do they hamper our ability to pursue our interests?...

Faith is Not Enough

Senator Santorum last Sunday assured us that Senator Lott could not be a racist, as he is a man of deep faith and has had many prayer breakfasts with Senator Santorum. Again and again, we are told that someone who is deeply religious cannot be a bad person, and that a...

The New Segregation: Racism in America, Then and Now

Trent Lott has changed from a nostalgist for segregation to an open advocate of neo-segregation. Lott's old doctrine was called "separate but equal," and kept black people out of white establishments by law, maintaining two separate sets of institutions for white and...

Majority Leader Lott Must Go

On Thursday, December 5, 2002, Republican Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott said: "When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these...

The American Dream: Why Environmentalists Attack the SUV

The SUV is under attack. Greens say they use too much gas, threaten air quality and contribute pell-mell to the desecration of the environment. So why would anyone build these horrible engines of death? They build them because SUVs have advantages in safety, cargo...

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