Joseph Kellard

Joseph Kellard is a journalist living in New York. To read more of Mr. Kellard's commentary, visit his website The American Individualist at

Bush’s Religiosity Wounds the War Effort

The religious foundations of the new governments in Afghanistan and Iraq threaten to undercut the Bush administration's war on terrorism. Being a champion of religion, however, Bush sanctions these developments that aid and abet America's would-be destroyers. The...

“The Passion” of Howard Roark

"The Passion of the Christ," a movie that highlights Jesus' suffering and crucifixion, has met with both strong praise and heated criticism. Yet virtually no one has condemned this movie for championing the anti-life ideas fundamental to religion. By contrasting the...

Celebrate Individualism, Not Ethnicity

On St. Patrick's Day, I wore no buttons that read: "Proud to be Irish." While I'm of Celtic stock, I'm neither proud or ashamed to be Irish, but indifferent to this fact -- as I would be if I were of any other ethnicity or race. Instead, I'm proud to be an...

What Makes the Super Bowl “Super”

Hours before the Green Bay Packers defeated the New England Patriots 35-21 in Super Bowl XXXI on January 26, 1997, I overheard a supermarket cashier greet a coworker with a salutation I'd not heard before: "Happy Super Bowl Sunday." That incident had me realize that...

Dean’s Fascism and the Me-Too Right

While Republicans popularize Howard Dean's quote that capturing Saddam Hussein "has not made America safer," they should also promote an earlier comment that explicitly revealed his basic politics. But that the Right fails to recognize its significance further exposes...

An Open Letter to ESPN on Rush Limbaugh

ESPN Television ESPN Plaza Bristol, CT 06010 October 5, 2003 To ESPN, You forced Rush Limbaugh to resign from his job after his alleged racist comment, yet you routinely allow your other commentators to make race-related comments and champion unquestioningly what are...

Heroism and Doing Your Job

I once argued with my former coworker about firefighters. She didn't consider them heroes, as they were widely and properly called after September 11, 2001, because on that day, like any other, "they were just doing their jobs," she said. Obviously, the firefighters...

A Patriot for the Defense of America

Not the ground soldier, stealth bomber nor nuclear bomb is America's most crucial weapon in its war on terrorists. To Jason Crawford, president of Patriots for the Defense of America, that weapon is moral clarity, without which our leaders would be unwilling to fire a...

Iran is the Root of Islamic Terrorism

Following an overwhelming military victory in Iraq, the Bush administration has renewed its pursuit of creating a Palestinian terrorist state, instead of focusing on the premier sponsor of anti-American terrorism: Iran. While the administration once again entangles...

The Left’s Intellectual and Moral House of Cards

They take to the streets to paint President Bush as both a dolt and Hitler incarnate, and to demand that the "unjust" war on a terrorist states be stopped immediately. If you disagree with these "peace" activists, they'll block traffic (including emergency vehicles),...

The Skyscraper: A Gesture to Reason, Freedom and Human Life

As with many inventions, Elisha Otis's creation proved to have a much more far-reaching affect than just the need it was immediately designed to serve. On April 1, Otis Elevators celebrated its 150th anniversary. Appropriately, it was in New York City that Elisha...

Conservatives for the Separation of God and Religion

The House of Representatives passed a resolution last month recognizing "the public need for fasting and prayer in order to secure the blessings and protection of Providence for the people of the United States and our armed forces." On Bill O'Reilly's Fox News show...

A Flag-waver Forever

After Sept. 11, American flags were widespread, from Ground Zero to jacket lapels in Alaska. I, too, attached the Stars and Stripes to my car antenna. I've always been patriotic, but never a flag-waver. Now, I will forever keep a flag where I can see it daily. While...

Bombs and Tears–of Joy

When the United States first bombed Iraq last week, initiating a self-defensive campaign against Saddam Hussein, I cried a tear of joy.When the US first bombed the Taliban in Afghanistan after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, my joy wasn't as great. Given that the...

In Praise of Obesity

Americans are criticized for being the world's most overweight people. Yet our excessive bodyweight reflects on America's highest values and achievements. Being obese is detrimental to one's health, resulting in the risk of stroke, certain cancers and premature death....

The Anti-Survival Protestors

In their ongoing war against America's foundation, the protestors who rallied last weekend against the United States-led war against Iraq enable our enemies seething to destroy us. Before staging the rally it organized in New York City, United for Peace and Justice...

Truth is a “World Opinion” Away

When Colin Powell demonstrated to the United Nations that Iraq conceals its weapons of mass destruction, deceives inspectors, and collaborates with Al Qaeda, I was reminded of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. After his military entered Palestinian territories...

The Impoverished Values of “Joe Millionaire”

Fifty percent of marriages in America today are said to end in divorce. "Joe Millionaire," the popular "reality" TV show, provides an example as to why romance too often dies. The show is allegedly a test of "true love." That test, however, starts with a lie: Evan...

The Corruption of the Concept Sovereignty

No more corrupt yet popular reason exists for opposing military strikes against Islamic terrorist states out to destroy America. The reasoning goes like this: these states are "sovereign" and thereby immune from preemptive attacks. "We are really appalled by any...

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