Charlie Hebdo, the West and the Need to Ridicule Religion.
Onkar Ghate
The Radicalness of Atlas Shrugged
With the 1957 publication of Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand became the most remarkable of individuals: a moral revolutionary. For anyone interested in ideas, it’s a book which deserves to be read and re-read.
The Appeal of Ayn Rand
October 10 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the greatest work of one of America's most controversial and inspiring writers: Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. Rand's novels continue to be wildly popular among the young. Some 22,000 high school and college students this year...
The Indispensable Condition of Peace in the Middle East
As Israeli soldiers reenter Gaza and bomb Lebanon, and Israeli citizens seek shelter from Hezbollah's missiles, the world despairingly wonders whether peace between Israel and its neighbors can ever take root. It can--but only if America reverses course. To achieve...
America Bows to Islam
Europeans are all too well acquainted with the fear of criticizing Islam. To cite just a few of depressingly many examples: a painter, Rashid Ben Ali, is forced into hiding after one of his shows "featured satirical work critical of Islamic militant's violence"; a...
Who Will Defend Industry from Eco-Terrorism?
The good news: a federal grand jury in Eugene, Oregon, has indicted 11 people on charges that they committed acts of domestic terrorism on behalf of the Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front. Moreover, now one of the FBI's "highest domestic terrorism...
The Cartoon Jihad: Free Speech in the Balance
A battle for Western freedom is being fought overseas. The specific object of the battle is merely a handful of cartoons. The outcome of the struggle, however, will reverberate for years.
Love Thy Enemy: The Twilight of Freedom of Speech
To fathom our government's contemptible treatment of a handful of unbowed journalists, you must see the roots of that treatment in the moral ideal Christianity bequeathed the West. In the face of the intimidation and murder of European authors, film makers and...
Proposed Iraqi Constitution Will Not Bring Freedom to Iraq or Security to America.
As the world eagerly watches the Iraqi constitutional referendum, the Bush administration and its intellectual supporters herald the occasion as a historic step toward freedom in the Middle East and security for America. This view betrays an appalling ignorance of the...
The Phonics vs. “Whole Language” Controversy
The controversy over how to teach reading is not a narrow, technical dispute. It is a broad, philosophic disagreement, with crucial educational implications.
Professor Ward Churchill, The First Amendment and Free Speech on Campus
Because the comments he made shortly after September 11 have come to light, obscene comments in which he vilifies the World Trade Center victims as "little Eichmanns" and lauds their killers as "humanitarians," Professor Ward Churchill has resigned as chairman of the...
To Outsource or to Stagnate?
A free society requires and rewards individuals who are active-minded, forward-looking, keen to better themselves. A society moving towards state control of the economy requires and rewards individuals who want tranquility, passivity, lethargy. In the debate about the...
Diverting the Blame for September 11th
The squabbling and finger-pointing surrounding the 9/11 commission only serve to obscure the fundamental lesson of that horrific day. Whatever errors or incompetence on the part of a particular individual or intelligence agency, what made September 11 possible was a...
The Passion of Christ: A Passion Against Man
As The Passion of the Christ plays to near-record crowds, numerous critics and moviegoers report the film to be a transforming experience. Although many find themselves forced to turn away from the violence on screen, they say the blood-soaked depiction of Jesus'...
Campaign-Finance Reform Attacks Victims of Government Corruption
In upholding the major provisions of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law, the Supreme Court has openly declared that it is legitimate to curtail freedom of speech "marginally" in order to fight government corruption. But the sad reality is that the new laws not...
Modern “Educators” vs. Reading
The results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a nationwide test to assess the abilities of elementary and middle-school children, are out. Though math scores showed some improvement over the last decade, reading scores did not. This should not be...
Say No to the “Self-Esteem” Pushers
The beginning of a school year is an appropriate time to question how our schools propose to teach our children.Today's educators, observing widespread self-doubt and despair among the young, believe that the way to get a student to learn is to inflate his self-image....
Blame Bush’s Unprincipled Foreign Policy
The 900-page Congressional report criticizing the operations of the FBI and CIA in the months prior to the September 11 attacks misses the fundamental point. Whatever incompetence on the intelligence agencies' part, what made September 11 possible was a failure, not...
Thought Control: Government Should Not Have the Power to Legislate Morality
You are jolted awake at 1:00 a.m. by loud knocking on the door. Alarmed, you and your girlfriend rise to answer. The police barge in and arrest you both on suspicion of having had premarital sex. Sound like something that would happen only in a dictatorship like...
Innocents in War
If President Bush makes the solemn decision to go to war with Iraq, he must not shackle our nation--as he did in Afghanistan--with his own personal religious or altruistic notions. As President, he has no right to worry about civilian causalities in enemy territory....
Forgotten Heroes of 9/11
The American way of life is, fundamentally, a life of individual liberty.
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