T For Two

On Friday investors will have to decide whether to exchange their shares of AT&T for shares of the AT&T Wireless tracking stock. When the big index funds decide, it will move the market. In the exchange offer that expires Friday, AT&T will accept up to 427...

Greens versus Energy

The environmental movement is profoundly antilabor, because in seeking to undercut the productivity of labor, it strikes at the foundation of rising real wages.

Home-Schooling Under Siege

There’s nothing like stiff competition to bring out the worst in government. Nowhere does this prove more true than in the battle between home-schooling parents and public school bureaucrats. In Maryland, local prosecutors are moving forward with a...

Why Should You Worry About Medical Privacy?

Last year a sophisticated Internet hacker took control of the University of Washington Medical Center’s network and downloaded the admissions records of 4,000 cardiology patients. Among the thousands of pieces of private information he downloaded were names,...

Know When to Gold ‘Em

It never ceases to amaze me the way financial markets all fit together, like perfectly meshing gears in some infinitely complex machine. The day of the bottom in the yield on the long bond was March 22 — the very day of the bottom in the Dow Jones Industrial...

Bush Energy Plan Caves In

President Bush’s newly released national energy plan offers us more of what already threatens this country. No, I am not talking about the president’s plans to allow oil drilling in Alaska, or to build more gas pipelines, or to license more nuclear power...

Put Broadcast Spectrum Under New Management

Last October, then-President Bill Clinton tried to prod federal regulators to carve out space in the nation’s airwaves for the next generation of wireless technology — technology that promises high-speed Internet access with simple hand-held devices. For...

America’s Descent Into Servitude I

The Texas Legislature is currently considering a bill that will mandate “volunteer” work for all college and university students in the state. The result of this bill will be to introduce “volunteerism” as a component of college education. The...

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