by Alan Luber | May 27, 2001 | POLITICS
One of the things we often hear about the stock market is that it is an anticipatory animal, meaning that bear markets begin when the economy is good but people fear that things will get worse in the future, and that conversely, bull markets begin when the economy is... by Michelle Malkin | May 26, 2001 | POLITICS
The hallowed waters that surround the sunken U.S.S. Arizona murmur gently like eternal witnesses to history. There lie 1,102 American crewmen who lost their lives during the Dec. 7, 1941, air raid on Pearl Harbor. Above the ship, like a floating tombstone, rests a... by Emmanuel Forgolou | May 25, 2001 | POLITICS
The Texas Legislature is currently considering a bill that will mandate “volunteer” work for all college and university students in the state. The result of this bill will be to introduce “volunteerism” as a component of college education. The... by Don Luskin | May 24, 2001 | POLITICS
Suddenly we find ourselves back in the nightmare world of the pregnant chad. And everything was going so well, too. Whatever you may think of the policies of George W. Bush’s new administration, at least it was clanking along pretty well and the political... by Alan Luber | May 24, 2001 | POLITICS
For the third time in two days, I’ve received an e-mail from some well intentioned idiot warning me of an extremely destructive computer virus for which there is no cure. In each case, it took me about a minute to go to the Symantec web site and learn that the... by Michelle Malkin | May 24, 2001 | Guns, POLITICS
The “Million” Mom March fell about 999,800 bodies short this year. Rosie O’Donnell, a leading anti-gun loudmouth who emceed last year’s march and later sought armed security guards for her own children, was a no-show at the pathetically... by David Holcberg | May 23, 2001 | POLITICS
On May 14th, the US Supreme Court reached a verdict on the case of U.S. v. Oakland Cannabis Cooperative. By unanimous decision the Court ruled that manufacturers and distributors of marijuana cannot claim the medical needs of their customers as defense against federal... by Alan Luber | May 23, 2001 | POLITICS
In my past column, I explained why a telecom rebound is likely to occur faster than most people expect: the continued explosive demand for bandwidth, the reopening of capital markets courtesy of lower interest rates, increased telecom revenues resulting from price... by Don Luskin | May 23, 2001 | POLITICS
I have touched the third rail, and it is made of gold. For millennia gold has excited mankind’s passions, goading us to the heights of achievement and the depths of evil. Now, since I’ve been writing about gold’s role in the international monetary...