Politicians and pundits claim that the free market has had its chance and failed, calling for a government takeover of the electric utilities and power plants as the solution. The tragic irony is that California's energy nightmare would have been absolutely impossible...
Emmanuel Forgolou
America’s Descent Into Servitude II
The Texas Legislature is currently considering a bill that will mandate "volunteer" work for all college and university students in the state. The result of this bill will be to introduce "volunteerism" as a component of college education. The grave implications of...
America’s Descent Into Servitude I
The Texas Legislature is currently considering a bill that will mandate "volunteer" work for all college and university students in the state. The result of this bill will be to introduce "volunteerism" as a component of college education. The grave implications of...
Israel’s Deal with the Devil
The last two months have witnessed a fresh outbreak of violence in Israel and the death toll keeps rising every day. The "peace process," which started with great fanfare when Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat shook hands in front of a beaming Bill Clinton and happy...
The Supreme Court’s Violations of Individual Rights (The Checks Don’t Balance Anymore!)
The Founding Fathers entrusted the Supreme Court with the protection of the rights enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution. By this standard, the proper yardstick for evaluating Supreme Court rulings is their impact on...
Letter to the Greek Government Condemning Conscription
Dear Sir, The policy of military conscription followed by the Greek government is an absolute and unmitigated outrage. At the beginning of their adult lives, young Greek men are enslaved into the military, with their formative years, career plans, and even their lives...
Why Socialism Must Always Fail: Ludwig Von Mises on Economic Calculation under Socialism
"Without calculation, economic activity is impossible. Since under Socialism economic calculation is impossible, under Socialism there can be no economic activity in our sense of the word ... All economic change, therefore, would involve operations the value of which...
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