By the “benevolent nature of capitalism,” I mean the fact that it promotes human life and well-being and does so for everyone.
George Reisman
The Outlook for the Future of Capitalism (Part 10 of 10)
Let the advocates of capitalism proceed in the knowledge not only that socialism is dead, but also that what the world still needs to learn is why capitalism deserves to live.
A General Campaign at the Local Level for Laissez-Faire Capitalism (Part 9 of 10)
What would be required to restore New York to its former prosperity and greatness would be the combination of the elimination of public welfare, the abolition of rent controls, and the privatization of the city’s transportation system.
The Separation of State from Religion, Science, and Education (Part 8 of 10)
The system of public education could be abolished over the course of a generation, in a way that need not impose financial hardship on the parents of any child alive at the time of the abolition’s commencement.
A Pro-Capitalist Foreign Policy (Part 7 of 10)
In the present-day world, a procapitalist foreign policy is indistinguishable from a pro-American foreign policy.
Establishment of Gold as Money (Part 6 of 10)
The establishment of gold as money is essential to the achievement of a capitalist society.
Abolition of Income and Inheritance Taxes Under Capitalism (Part 5 of 10)
A possible way to start on the elimination of the income/inheritance tax right now would be to fight for the immediate adoption of a universal exemption of at least 51 percent of everyone’s income from federal, state, and local income taxation under all circumstances.
Capitalism and the Abolition of the Welfare State (Part 4 of 10)
The savings of individuals would steadily replace taxes as the source of provision for old age.
The Freedom of Production and Trade Under Capitalism (Part 3 of 10)
An appropriate vehicle for the establishment of the freedom of production and trade, whether all at once or gradually, would be the establishment of one last regulatory-type agency: the Deregulation Agency.
Privatization of Property: Importance of Fighting on Basis of Principles (Part 2 of 10)
The privatization of property is the most fundamental aspect of a procapitalist political program
Toward the Establishment of Laissez-Faire Capitalism (Part 1 of 10)
If a laissez-faire capitalist society is to be achieved, a political movement pursuing a long-range program will be necessary.
The Gold Standard, Not Price Controls, Can End Rising Prices
The Republicans need to show that (1) the Democrats, not businessmen, are responsible for rising prices and that (2) what is needed to end rising prices is not price controls but the gold standard.
Ludwig von Mises: Defender of Capitalism
Ludwig Von Mises is important because his teachings are necessary to the preservation of capitalism and thus of civilization.
What’s Wrong with Bernie Sanders’ 32-Hour Bill
A shortening of the hours of work is a highly desirable goal. But it cannot be achieved along with growing prosperity except in a free market.
What’s Wrong with Bernie Sanders’ 32-Hour Work Week Bill
A shortening of the hours of work is a highly desirable goal. But it cannot be achieved along with growing prosperity except in a free market.
A 2024 Mid-Priced Automobile Sells for the Same $300 Price Paid for a Model T Ford in 1924
Today, the price of a paper dollar is just one gold cent.
The Intellectual Assault on Economic Activity and Capitalism, Part 2 of 2
Economics proves the existence of a harmony of the rational self-interests of all participants in the economic system—a harmony which permeates the institutions of private ownership of the means of production, economic inequality, and economic competition.
The Intellectual Assault on Economic Activity and Capitalism, Part 1 of 2
Capitalism is denounced as “an anarchy of production,” a chaos ruled by “exploiters,” “robber barons,” and “profiteers,” who “coldly,” “calculatingly,” “heartlessly,” and “greedily” consume the efforts and destroy the lives of the broad masses of average, innocent people.
Freedom of Immigration for Rights Respecting Individuals
We need to make a beginning toward the establishment of freedom of immigration for all rights-respecting individuals.
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one and socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.
Prices and Costs of Production in a Free-Market
In a free market, the prices of products tend to be governed by their costs of production.
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