Anita Dunn, is described by the online encyclopedia Wikipedia as "one of the major decision makers of the Obama campaign" and as one of Obama's "four top advisers (along with David Axelrod, David Plouffe, and Robert Gibbs)." She currently holds the position of "White...
George Reisman
The Decline of General Motors
If a company as great and as economically powerful as General Motors once was can collapse into a shadow of its former self, so too can every other company in the United States. So too can the United States itself.
Fallout from Declaring CO2 a Pollutant
A Potential News Dispatch from a World Going Mad
Green Jobs
Once we put our minds to it, nothing is easier than to think of things that would require the performance of virtually unlimited labor in order to accomplish virtually zero result.
Standing Keynesianism On Its Head
As Employment Increases in Response to a Fall in Wage Rates, the Rate of Profit Rises, Not Falls
The Fundamental Obstacles to Economic Recovery: Marxism and Keynesianism
While the influence of Marxism stands directly in the path of a fall in wage rates and prices, by blocking its way with laws and threats, Keynesianism aims to prevent any attempt to overcome these obstacles by allegedly demonstrating the futility and harm of doing so.
Change Under Obama
The President’s statement reveals a great deal about his understanding or, more correctly, lack of understanding of economics.
Economic Recovery Requires Capital Accumulation, Not Government “Stimulus Packages”
The blind rush into massive “stimulus packages” is the culmination of generations of economic ignorance transmitted from professor to student in the guise of advanced, revolutionary thinking—the “Keynesian revolution.”
Soviet Show Trials with Wall Street Bankers in Shackles
Those seeking to deify the government and raise it above the citizens, that they are encouraging a servant to forget his place and to become the master of those whom it is his duty to serve.
Falling Prices Are the Antidote to Deflation
A disastrous economic confusion is the belief that falling prices constitute deflation and thus must be feared and, if possible, prevented.
The Myth That Deregulation and Laissez Faire Capitalism Was Responsible for The Subprime Crisis
The news media are in the process of creating a great new historical myth. This is the myth that our present financial crisis is the result of economic freedom and laissez-faire capitalism.
When Barack Obama Equals Sarah Palin
Barack Obama and Sarah Palin on Taxing Oil Companies and Giving the Money to Others
Anti-Obamanomics: Reducing Taxes on the “Rich”
An analysis and critique of a major aspect of the views on taxation attributed to Obama.
Our Financial House of Cards
How to Start Replacing It With Solid Gold
The Nature of Environmentalism
The reasons why advocates of human flourishing should never describe themselves as environmentalists,
A Word to Environmentalists
Environmentalism thus stands a very strong chance of ultimately reverting to the more traditional socialism of massive government construction and engineering projects.
Environmentalism is Recycled Communism and Nazism
Environmentalism thus stands a very strong chance of ultimately reverting to the more traditional socialism of massive government construction and engineering projects.
Standing Keynesian GDP on Its Head: Saving Not Consumption as the Main Source of Spending
Consumption expenditure is not the main form of spending in the economic system and does not pay the national income or gross domestic product. Most spending in the economic system is in fact concealed under the head of net investment.
The Gold Clause: A Creditors’ Protection Bill
The widespread establishment of partial gold clauses is an essential step in the protection of the buying power of creditors. It would also be a major step on the path toward the establishment of sound money.
Credit Expansion, Economic Inequality, and Stagnant Wages
Credit expansion boosts profits more than does simple inflation because the reduction in interest rates it brings about serves to increase the time lag between the making of expenditures for capital goods and labor and their subsequent appearance as costs in business income statements.
A World Where Abortion is Murder
In the United States, just as in the Middle East, there are large numbers of people who believe that the cloak of religion and their claim to be inspired by the will of God entitles them to practice lunacy, in total disregard of the suffering and harm they cause to others.
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