George Reisman

George Reisman, Ph.D., is Pepperdine University Professor Emeritus of Economics and the author of Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics. See his author's page for additional titles by him. Visit his website and his blog Watch his YouTube videos and follow @GGReisman on Twitter.

Progress In a Free Economy

The Industrial Revolution has allowed mankind to improve his environment.

Marxism/Socialism: An Introduction

Marxism/Socialism: An Introduction

Marxism/Socialism is a philosophy conceived in gross error and ignorance about the nature of capitalism, above all about the nature of the relationship between capitalists, profits, and wages.

“Tax Expenditures”: Not Taxing Is Allegedly Spending

“Tax Expenditures”: Not Taxing Is Allegedly Spending

To reduce government spending means to reduce the money the government pays out, not to reduce the money it has chosen not to take in. The first is a reduction in government spending; the second is an increase in taxes. Confusing the two is of benefit only to con men who worship an omnipotent state.

Post-Sandy: A Man-Made Disaster

Post-Sandy: A Man-Made Disaster

It is intolerable that their people be made to suffer the effects of disastrous legislation piled on top of a natural disaster and thereby needlessly enlarging and extending the effects of the natural disaster.

Where Profit Comes From

Where Profit Comes From

This theory of profit/interest has major implications for the understanding of capital accumulation, the determination of real wages and the general standard of living, taxation, inflation/deflation, and the business cycle. It also provides the basis for the overthrow of virtually all aspects of Keynesianism and its system of national income accounting, along with an equally fundamental and thorough refutation of Marxism and the exploitation theory.

A Pro-Free-Market Program for Economic Recovery

A Pro-Free-Market Program for Economic Recovery

My pro-free-market program for economic recovery is a provisional 100-percent-paper-money-reserve system applied to checking deposits, accompanied by a demonstrable commitment to ultimately achieving a 100-percent-gold reserve system.

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