One must wonder if what Galbraith is really advocating is not simply state power as an end in itself and individual deprivation both as an end in itself and as a means of demonstrating the power of the state.
George Reisman
The Real Friends and Enemies of Wage Earners: An Intellectual Challenge to the Left
Labor unions do not even know how to raise real wages. All they are concerned with is raising the money wages and protecting the jobs of the members of their particular union.
Where Would General Motors Be Without the United Automobile Workers (UAW) Labor Union?
What the UAW has done, on the foundation of coercive, interventionist labor legislation, is bring a once-great company to its knees.
Offshoring and Balance of Trade Deficits
Offshoring has not resulted in a decline in the American economic system but just the opposite.
Immigration Plus Welfare State Equal Police State
The implementation of the rights both of the immigrants and of the taxpayers requires the abolition of the Welfare State.
Different Flag, Different Lyrics, But the Same Old Tune
Pointing guns at people in the name of some higher collective good, and prohibiting them from achieving their own good. That’s socialism. That’s environmentalism.
Collectivism, Climate Change, and Economic Freedom
The question of how to deal with climate change, in turn, is subsumed by the broader question of how should human beings deal with physical reality in meeting their needs and wants.
Environmentalists Are Trying to Frighten the Natives
An unjustified death-penalty verdict against modern Industrial Civilization and most of the human race.
Debunking a Reported Defiance of Economic Law in South Korea
It’s sign of the corruption of our culture that today, businessmen feel the need to hide behind the mantle of corrupt ideology and pretend that what springs from their fundamentally life-giving self-interest comes instead from the government, the agency that can give only destruction and death.
In the U.S. Senate the Guilty Interrogate the Innocent
Environmentalism thus stands a very strong chance of ultimately reverting to the more traditional socialism of massive government construction and engineering projects.
Government Bureaucracy Prolongs Natural Disasters
Legislation suspending permitting requirements during the aftermath of disasters should be enacted well before the next one occurs.
Global Warming Bugaboo
The environmental movement maintains that science and technology cannot be relied upon to build a safe atomic power plant, to produce a pesticide that is safe, or even to bake a loaf of bread that is safe, if that loaf of bread contains chemical preservatives. When it...
For Society To Thrive, The Rich Must Be Left Alone: Krugman’s Hostility to Economic Inequality
Economic inequality that results from economic freedom is to the material self-interest of everyone. It is the foundation of rising real wages and a rising standard of living.
Papiere, Bitte (Papers, Please)
The people who will be stopped by the system will not be terrorists but innocent citizens, seeking to evade unjust laws and regulations.
Socialized Medicine Leads to the Prohibition of Private Medicine
Unfortunately, when medical care is made free, the quantity of it that people attempt to consume becomes virtually limitless.
Socialized Medicine and Rationing
This rationale and its acceptance by a judge is an illustration of what Ayn Rand, with good reason, used to describe contemptuously as a “collectivist stewpot.”
Under Siege: Voting Rights of Felons or Property Rights of Citizens?
The American people need protection from crime, private and government.
Who Offends Islam?
A cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist bomber is certainly highly offensive to all those Muslims who have rioted, burned, and killed in recent days in protest against such cartoons.
Dictator Mentality at The New York Times
Like a dictator who is unhappy with the outcome of an election, The Times is unhappy with the outcome of the choices of tens of millions of American citizens expressed in their purchases of motor-vehicles and fuel for those vehicles.
Ready to Kill Over Cartoons
Muslim Fundamentalists Islamic Jihad Against Fleming Rose and Jyllands-Posten
Oil, Big Business, and “Monopoly”
Environmentalism thus stands a very strong chance of ultimately reverting to the more traditional socialism of massive government construction and engineering projects.
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