George Reisman

George Reisman, Ph.D., is Pepperdine University Professor Emeritus of Economics and the author of Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics. See his author's page for additional titles by him. Visit his website and his blog Watch his YouTube videos and follow @GGReisman on Twitter.

Progress In a Free Economy

The Industrial Revolution has allowed mankind to improve his environment.

The Housing Bubble and the Credit Crunch

The Housing Bubble and the Credit Crunch

The turmoil in the credit markets now emanating from the collapse of the housing bubble can be understood in the light of the theory of the business cycle developed by Ludwig von Mises and F.A. Hayek.

The Irony Behind The College Student Loan Scandal

The Irony Behind The College Student Loan Scandal

It is ironic that in the present case, the victims of this anti-capitalistic attitude are colleges and universities. What is ironic is that they systematically instill such anti-capitalistic attitudes in practically every course they offer.

China’s Once “Thriving Socialist Economy”

China’s Once “Thriving Socialist Economy”

How “foolish” of China to abandon its “thriving socialist economy” of perpetual mass starvation for a rapidly progressing market economy of soaring skyscrapers and rising living standards for hundreds of millions.

Hugo Chavez: Collectivist Throwback

Hugo Chavez: Collectivist Throwback

Despite the fact that the science of economics has been explaining it for over two hundred years, he didn’t know that inflation of the money supply serves to make prices rise.

Minimum Wage Legislation

Minimum Wage Legislation

Repeal minimum-wage legislation, pro-union legislation, and licensing legislation. That is what will help to eliminate poverty.

New York Times Pushes the Doctrine of Class Warfare

New York Times Pushes the Doctrine of Class Warfare

When one reads The New York Times, one should know what one is getting. It is not unvarnished news, but the news as seen through the lens of a distinct philosophical and political doctrine, a doctrine that is hostile to the freedom, prosperity, and happiness of the individual, and thus to the foundations of the United States.

New York Times Pushes the Green Party Line

New York Times Pushes the Green Party Line

Even though there may not be formal meetings, strategy sessions, and the like to coordinate its news reporting with its leftist editorial slant, that leftist slant nevertheless very definitely does permeate its reporting.

Saving Versus Hoarding

Saving Versus Hoarding

The increase in the savings of the economic system as a whole must take the form of an increase in its capital assets, such as business plant, equipment, and inventories.

Standards of Environmental Good and Evil

Standards of Environmental Good and Evil

Policy recommendations emanating from the environmentalist movement must be summarily rejected unless and until they can be validated on the basis of a pro-man, pro-wealth, pro-capitalist standard of value.

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