George Reisman

George Reisman, Ph.D., is Pepperdine University Professor Emeritus of Economics and the author of Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics. See his author's page for additional titles by him. Visit his website and his blog Watch his YouTube videos and follow @GGReisman on Twitter.

Progress In a Free Economy

The Industrial Revolution has allowed mankind to improve his environment.

The Green Business Racket

The Green Business Racket

While a normal business seeks to add amenities to its offerings, a so-called Green Business seeks to subtract them, by means of pursuing a deliberate policy of corner cutting.

Joseph Stiglitz on How Not to Fix the Global Economy

Joseph Stiglitz on How Not to Fix the Global Economy

Such global “trade imbalances” are not a problem. They are a profoundly important means of preventing problems. What will cause a problem is allowing wreckers, devoid of serious knowledge of economics, to “fix” things.

Silencing Opposition to Greens on Global Warming

Silencing Opposition to Greens on Global Warming

The petition I have referred to has no financial support from Exxon or any other company in the oil, coal, or natural gas industries. Can the same thing be said about governmental support of The Royal Society and the endless “studies” dedicated to advancing the Green agenda?

Betting California

Betting California

In a move reminiscent of television’s popular “World Poker Tour,” in which a player announces that he is “all in,” their new law mandates that by the year 2020, California will emit 25 percent less carbon dioxide than it now does.

Wage Rates and Purchasing Power

Wage Rates and Purchasing Power

Environmentalism thus stands a very strong chance of ultimately reverting to the more traditional socialism of massive government construction and engineering projects.

Incitement to Class War

Incitement to Class War

The principal obstacle in the way of saving and capital accumulation and thus the rise in real wages is government welfare-state spending.

Environmentalism Raises Profits at the Expense of Wages

Environmentalism Raises Profits at the Expense of Wages

Environmentalism is a movement dedicated to the undoing of the Industrial Revolution. If not checked, one of its results will be the progressive reduction of wages and the further elevation of profit incomes based on the ownership of land and natural resources.

The Flagellation of the Pursuit of Happiness

The Flagellation of the Pursuit of Happiness

Krugman and his ilk actually care nothing whatever for the welfare of the poor. For them the suffering of the poor is merely a weapon with which to beat down the aspirations and success of the rich, which alone can elevate the poor.

The Sorry State of Our Union

The Sorry State of Our Union

There is simply no way for a Congressman to read and understand the torrent of legislation that is proposed in every session of Congress. It is simply too vast.

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