Much Hope for the Future of the Telecom Industry

I would like to begin today’s column tangentially, by admitting to the world that I did something incredibly stupid yesterdaythis past Tuesday Allow me to explain. There is a delightful yiddish phrase, kayn ein hora (pronounced “kinna herra” or...

Market Commentary: An End Indeed

Sometimes market moves begin and end with perfectly matched catalysts — bookends, if you will. It’s strange, but a single piece of news can first ignite a rally, and then later virtually the same news can extinguish it. And that’s what just happened...

The Arsenic Wars

“Can I please have some more arsenic in my water, Mommy? More salmonella in my cheeseburger, please.” So begins a Democratic National Committee commercial attacking George W. Bush’s policy on arsenic levels in water. In the commercial, a cute little...

Virginia State University Tyranny

If we had to single out one American institution that stands at the forefront of modern-day racial discrimination, deception and contempt for fundamental principles of liberty, it would be America’s universities. Under the euphemisms of affirmative action,...

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