Much Hope for the Future of the Telecom Industry
I would like to begin today’s column tangentially, by admitting to the world that I did something incredibly stupid yesterdaythis past Tuesday Allow me to explain. There is a delightful yiddish phrase, kayn ein hora (pronounced “kinna herra” or...Price Controls and the Electricity Crisis in California
It was only a passing news item when the financial information service Standard & Poor’s lowered the rating it gave to bonds issued by the state of California. But it has big implications and it also shows the big difference between economics and politics....Market Commentary: An End Indeed
Sometimes market moves begin and end with perfectly matched catalysts — bookends, if you will. It’s strange, but a single piece of news can first ignite a rally, and then later virtually the same news can extinguish it. And that’s what just happened...The Arsenic Wars
“Can I please have some more arsenic in my water, Mommy? More salmonella in my cheeseburger, please.” So begins a Democratic National Committee commercial attacking George W. Bush’s policy on arsenic levels in water. In the commercial, a cute little...The “Patient Bill of Rights” is Political Window Dressing
As a health care provider, here is my proposal for a patient bill of rights: 1. The right to enter voluntary, contractual relationships with doctors — without paternalistic interference on the part of federal and state governments. For example: laws mandating...Patient’s Bill of Rights Will Turn Patients into Prisoners
It may sound healthy, this debate we’re hearing in Washington over a “Patients’ Bill of Rights.” But it’s like listening to prisoners clamor for better food and more yard time. No matter what the outcome, they’re still prisoners....Virginia State University Tyranny
If we had to single out one American institution that stands at the forefront of modern-day racial discrimination, deception and contempt for fundamental principles of liberty, it would be America’s universities. Under the euphemisms of affirmative action,...Ending Rolling Electric Power Blackouts
Such wonderful progress in the ability to buy electricity and all other goods can continue in this new century—if only power-hungry government officials and misanthropic environmentalists will get out of the way.