by Thomas Sowell | May 18, 2001 | POLITICS
A reader in Michigan says that he has been living in retirement on $15,000 a year — about $5,000 from Social Security and about $10,000 from stocks he owns in Southern California Edison. But now that the California government has forced Southern California... by Don Luskin | May 17, 2001 | POLITICS
Yesterday I wrote in this column, “So many people are so totally hypnotized by the “don’t fight the Fed” mantra that it wouldn’t surprise me to see a brief rally here, back toward the highs achieved two weeks ago. Maybe a narrow defensive... by Daniel Fisk & Brett D. Schaefer | May 17, 2001 | POLITICS
Nothing could show more clearly the United Nations’ lack of commitment toward curbing human rights abuses than its absurd refusal to re-elect the United States to the U.N. Commission on Human Rights. This diplomatic slap in the face was compounded by the fact... by Larry Elder | May 17, 2001 | POLITICS, Racism
Ebony, a monthly black magazine, puts out an annual list of the “100+ Most Influential Black Americans.” First, the magazine’s criteria. Influential means, “1. Does the individual transcend his or her position and command widespread national... by Don Luskin | May 16, 2001 | POLITICS
At least the Fed didn’t blow it. The FOMC’s 50 basis point rate cut yesterday gave the markets just enough oxygen to keep breathing until further evidence of a deteriorating economy necessitates the next rate cut. It could have been worse. And based on the... by Walter Williams | May 16, 2001 | POLITICS
Arthur M. Schlesinger wrote in “The Disuniting of America”: “History is to the nation … as memory is to the individual. An individual deprived of memory becomes disoriented and lost, not knowing where he has been or where he is going, so a... by Thomas Sowell | May 15, 2001 | POLITICS
Hats off to Jackson Toby, who wrote in the Weekly Standard what few have dared to say in the past three decades: “Let them drop out.” He argues that too many students are finding nothing but frustration and resentment at being trapped for hours every day... by Larry Elder | May 15, 2001 | POLITICS
I’m confused. Director Spike Lee calls racism America’s “No. 1 problem.” So he makes a film called “Bamboozled,” which argues that white network executives intentionally put on the worst images of blacks. Yet, when Lee asked to use... by Thomas Sowell | May 14, 2001 | Energy, POLITICS
Since it has long been known that the best defense is a good offense, it should not be surprising that politicians who have created an economic mess should begin loudly denouncing somebody else as the cause of the public’s problems. Last year, the problem was a...