by Conrad F. Meier | May 20, 2001 | POLITICS
Remember when you could choose to go to any doctor, pay a reasonable fee for your medical service, and not worry about co-pays, deductibles, and some distant stranger authorizing or denying the care prescribed by your physician? If so, you have lived long enough to... by Joseph Bast | May 19, 2001 | POLITICS
Would some degree of warming be bad for most societies and natural environments? Probably not. “During the 20th century,” writes Dr. Patrick Michaels, “we have already proceeded more than half way to doubling the natural carbon dioxide greenhouse... by James Glassman | May 19, 2001 | POLITICS
“Holy Cow!” That’s the polite version of my exclamation when I heard that the US economy grew by 2% in the first quarter of this year. This rate of growth is really nothing special, usually not cause for excitement, and not even close to the rapid... by Dick Militelo | May 19, 2001 | Free Speech
Some statements are so outrageous that they stand apart from all others. In my opinion, the winner this week for the most lunatic goes to the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA). According to the Library Journal Academic News Wire of April 26, 2001, the CPUSA... by Yaron Brook and Alex Epstein | May 18, 2001 | POLITICS
Scientists are closer than ever to finding cures for AIDS, cancer and other deadly illnesses. But more research and testing are needed and much of it must be done on animals. But will it occur? Not if the animal “rights” terrorists plaguing Huntingdon Life... by Michelle Malkin | May 18, 2001 | POLITICS
If you thought ethnic pandering disappeared from the White House with the silverware and the Clintons, think again. Last weekend, President Bush proudly delivered the first White House radio address in Spanish. “Republican strategists” — media-hungry... by Thomas Sowell | May 18, 2001 | POLITICS
Recent fluctuations in the stock market have been used by some liberal politicians as a reason why Social Security should not be privatized. What if someone invests retirement money in the stock market, instead of in Social Security, and then retires at a point when... by Don Luskin | May 18, 2001 | POLITICS
Yesterday I wrote in this column that we had taken a position, as advisor, in a couple of gold stocks — Newmont Mining and Homestake Mining. It’s been over 20 years since I’ve traded gold stocks — doing it again took me back to my earliest days... by Alan Luber | May 18, 2001 | POLITICS
Publisher’s Note: This is the fourth in a six part series of personal finance columns on the subject of being the executor of an estate. These columns are based on my own personal experiences in this regard. Individuals should consult a professional advisor and...