Black History Month: Why Don’t They Teach About the Arab-Muslim Slave Trade in Africa?

Black history is American history. It ought not be “relegated” to a month, and slavery ought not be relegated to only the European slave trade.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Disengagement Plan

In a much-noted speech late last month, Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ostensibly made a dramatic reversal in course. But I am wondering whether to take his shift at face value. Mr. Sharon announced that the "road map," a U.S. plan that envisions Israel and the...

An Open Letter to the People of Iraq

On December 15, 1791, 212 years ago, the American Bill of Rights was ratified. Thus ended a long and difficult process by which the American people first liberated themselves from tyranny and then established the first government in history founded on individual...

The Case for ‘Iraqification’

Stay the course -- but change the course. That was the meaning of the sudden, sharp, and understated change in Washington's Iraq policy earlier this month. After the American civilian administrator of Iraq, L. Paul Bremer III, made a hurried visit to the White House,...

Our Mission in Iraq

Can we finish our mission in Iraq? Or do we need to withdraw? It all depends on what the meaning of the word "mission" is. If our mission was to remove Saddam Hussein from power, then we're done. If our mission was to remove Saddam Hussein and install an...

If a Flat Tax is Good for Iraq, How About America?

Few Americans would want to trade places with the people of Iraq. But come tax time next April, they may begin to wonder who's better off. That's because the Iraqis soon will enjoy something we don't -- a simple and fair tax system. Beginning in January, all Iraqis...

Lift the Cuban Travel Ban, Help the Dictator Castro

Members of Congress who want to lift the U.S. ban on travel to Cuba -- and there are many -- aren't motivated by a desire to help its infamous dictator Fidel Castro. They simply want to stop "imposing limits on the American people's right to travel," in the words of...

Who Hates Israel Now?

Three years after the Palestinians' violent response to the most generous and practical proposal by an Israeli government to end the decades-long conflict, hatred directed at Israel as a Jewish State has never been as extreme. From paeans to homicide bombings by...

Let Iraqis Run Iraq

What to do in Iraq? The question is made urgent by the steady attrition of coalition forces, punctuated by seven large car-bomb explosions. The latest of them, on Sunday, killed six and wounded dozens at the Baghdad Hotel. More broadly, the briefly held gratitude to...

Will Israel Save Us Again?

The Iranians are on the verge of building nuclear bombs. If this is not stopped, mass death will result. The situation is not entirely without precedent, although the crisis today is immeasurably greater. By 1981 Iraq had a similar program. Had it succeeded, America...

Israel’s Fence and the Return to the Barbaric Past

Israel's proposed border fence, a necessary physical separation between a lawful nation and its homicidal neighbors, is a powerful symbol of the political gulf separating the West from the Arab world. When Israel was founded, its inhabitants established the only...

The Left Against Israel

"I have developed a habit," writes Richard Ingrams, a columnist for The Guardian, a far-left British newspaper, "when confronted by letters to the editor in support of the Israeli government to look at the signature to see if the writer has a Jewish name. If so, I...

Trade Deficits with China: An Economic Analysis

The rapidly rising U.S. trade deficit with China is quickly becoming a political issue. Many members of Congress are warning that China needs to take action, such as raising its exchange rate, to deal with this problem before it leads to protectionist legislation. A...

China War on Space-Based Weapons

August 11, 2003 | | What is China's position on space-based weapons? Considering the gap between what officials in Beijing say and what they do on the issue, it's hard to get a straight answer. But let's look at the facts. For some time now, China has spearheaded an...

Africa: A Tragic Continent

Anyone who believes President Bush's Africa initiative, including sending U.S. troops to Liberia, will amount to more than a hill of beans is whistling Dixie. Maybe it's overly pessimistic, but most of Africa is a continent without much hope for its people. Let's look...

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