Do parents have an unalienable right to determine how, in what, and by whom their children will be educated, or should the government have that right?
C. Bradley Thompson
Sex and the Schools, or, An Essay You Don’t Want to Read
Sex in the schools—by which I mean the sexualization of children on issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity—is America’s twenty-first-century kulturkampf.
Do Corporate Donors Threaten Academic Freedom?
The real untold story is that some college professors want to limit intellectual diversity, deny competition in the realm of ideas, and prohibit students from learning certain ideas.
Corporate Donations Increase Academic Freedom and Diversity in American Colleges
The real untold story is that some college professors want to limit intellectual diversity, deny competition in the realm of ideas, and prohibit students from learning certain ideas.
Living Without Lies: On The Nature Of A Liberal Arts Education
C. Bradley Thompson speaks to the incoming class of Lyceum Scholars on the nature of a liberal arts education.
An Open Letter to Clemson Students
It is our moral obligation as faculty to defend our students’ basic rights to free speech and expression, whether we support those views or not.
An Open Letter to America’s Students–Will “Atlas Shrugged” Change your Life Forever?
Some 95% of my students report that “Atlas Shrugged” is the best book they’ve ever read. No book that I’ve taught comes remotely close to fostering a more robust exchange of ideas in the classroom.
Iraqis Should Look To American Founding Fathers When Writing Their Constitution
On December 15, 1791, 213 years ago, the American Bill of Rights was ratified. Thus ended a long and difficult process by which the American people first liberated themselves from tyranny and then established the first government in history founded on individual...
The Purpose of an Iraqi Constitution
On December 15, 1791, 212 years ago, the American Bill of Rights was ratified. Thus ended a long and difficult process by which the American people first liberated themselves from tyranny and then established the first government in history founded on individual...
An Open Letter to the People of Iraq
On December 15, 1791, 212 years ago, the American Bill of Rights was ratified. Thus ended a long and difficult process by which the American people first liberated themselves from tyranny and then established the first government in history founded on individual...
Independence Day and American History
On this, our great national holiday, let us rededicate “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” to the greatness of America.
The Historians vs. American History
It is now obvious that American children know very little about the history of their own nation. This past year the U.S. Department of Education released its History Report Card and the results were predictably awful: 57 percent of high school seniors flunked even a...
Cognitive Child Abuse in Our Math Classrooms
The test results are in: America's children are flunking math. In 1996 American high school seniors finished close to the bottom on an international mathematics test. At the end of last year, American eighth-graders ranked below those of Malaysia, Bulgaria, and...
Our Killing Schools – Public Schools: Intellectual and Moral Wastelands that Destroy America’s Youth
The crisis in our schools is at heart a philosophical issue.
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