A peculiar spectacle in Hollywood and New York, and everywhere else TV shows and motion pictures are being made, is before us. The writers are on strike. At stake? Contracts with TV and motion picture producers over royalties from DVD and other "new" media, which has...
Alexander Marriott
Abraham Lincoln and the Necessity of the Civil War
Was the Civil War was unnecessary and Lincoln “did this just to enhance and get rid of the original intent of the republic.”?
The Last Straw for Alfred Nobel: Al Gore Winning a Nobel Peace Prize for Promoting Environmental Hysteria
Alfred Nobel was a Swedish inventor, chemist, industrialist and when he had reached the end of his life of incredible achievement he left a legacy of philanthropy directed toward the awarding, year in and year out, of the greatest possible merit in the physical...
Conspiracy Theories: Was 9/11 An “Inside Job” and Other Stories
I was recently forced to break off an amicable correspondence of several years because of 9/11 conspiracy theories and this person's acceptance of them. Our conversations became nothing but this person trying to convince me that the terrorist attacks of 9/11 were an...
Israel at War: Problems and Fallacies
Now that Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinian people (who elected Hamas), the people of southern Lebanon (who sit idly by as a group of armed thugs turn their country into a base of operations), Syria, and Iran have showed their hands and begun a shooting war with Israel...
The Da Vinci Code
Dan Brown's novel of Catholic Church intrique and Christian mystery has been turned into a major hollywood production starring Tom Hanks among others set for release this month.While the plot of the story, that the catholic church covered up the bloodline of Jesus and...
From Small to Big Forebodings
This morning I heard that President Bush should not fire Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld because when one member of the cabinet goes there is a "blood in the water" effect in Washington that will demand that more heads role. This is not a reason for keeping...
The False Hope of Democracy
It has been the sincerely felt desire of President George W. Bush that "democracy" take root in the Middle East. The hope is that once the method of choosing their leaders/oppressors changes that liberty and freedom will somehow, inexorably and self-evidently, take...
The Limitations of the Marxist Approach to Writing History: David R. Roediger’s The Wages of Whiteness
Ever since Karl Marx wrote about communism as "the end of history,"[1] there have been historians fascinated by his suggestions on how they should be working towards that end. Many have studied and taken up his methods of looking at the past, implicitly accepting...
Meandering into Mediocrity
Now that my time in the Clark Country School District is coming to an end, both as a student when I graduated from Cimarron-Memorial High School in 2001 and as a Substitute Teacher as of June 9th, there are some alarming trends which I think someone must address....
Theatre of the Absurd: Koran Abuse
The story of Koran abuse at the prisoner camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is perhaps the most ridiculous example of media idiocy I have seen in some time. The critique is not that we have codes of conduct for a book some crackpots have some mystical affinity for, but that...
Beating George Bush, Revisited
In an article was posted on Capitalism Magazine on November 15, 2003, I advised Democrats, and their nominee (not known at that time), on how to win the election.Below I have excerpted the relevant part of that essay on the particular weaknesses of George W. Bush,...
A Tale of Two 9/11s
On September 11, 1814, Thomas MacDonough looked out across Lake Champlaign to see the fruits of his work over the summer. Upon the lake were near twenty ships, ranging in size from small gun boat, no more than a large row boat with a small cannon inside, to small...
Rather Courageous in the Face of Reality
CBS "journalist"/anchorman Dan Rather is an amusing figure to watch fall apart. He seems to believe, or else he is a pathological liar, that what he does at CBS is objective and reality based journalism about relevant issues of the day. Typifying this is his call on...
Linda Rondstadt Booted
I've heard Linda Rondstadt was shown the boot at the Aladdin in my town of Las Vegas when she decided to dedicate the song "Desperado" to Michael Moore and encourage her audience to go see the notorious piece of propaganda Fahrenheit 9/11. It has also been reported...
The “Inspirational” Dictator and the New York Yankee
Jose Contreras. Recognize the name? If the answer is no, then I'll tell you. He is a starting pitcher for the New York Yankees who is currently working with a 5-3 record. But the purpose of this article is not to discuss his pitching, but to shed some light on his...
Can John Kerry Be Better Than Bush?
Can John Kerry be better than our current president, George W. Bush? This question begs another, better at what? The principle issue of importance in the 2004 election is the War on (Islamic) Terrorism. George Bush's negatives on this topic are many. Principally, he...
Iranian Nuclear Program: Will Israel Save Us?
The Iranian state is rushing headlong into disaster and I'm not referring to an imminent invasion by the United States. Iran is developing nuclear weapons and is attempting to filibuster international agencies which are attempting to monitor Iranian actions. For the...
Old World Love of Status Lives Strong
Spain's Crown Prince Felipe has married former TV anchorwoman Letizia Ortiz, in the country's first royal wedding in nearly a century. This occurred to the delight of thousands of onlookers who braved heavy rains, as well as representatives of the Royal Families of...
Hijacking a Peaceful Religion?
From President Bush to Ted Kennedy we hear the same refrain about Islamic terrorists; "These people have hijacked a peaceful religion. Islamic militants are a few radicals who do not represent Islam." We are expected to believe that it is not the philosophy, the...
The Mixed Legacy of Ronald Reagan
The hyperbole of remembrance that follows the death of any President, as has certainly followed the death of Mr. Reagan, will subside eventually and it will be left to historians to analyze what it was he did as President and whether or not that had any value. The...
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