Small-business owners, farmers, investors and entrepreneurs face a good news-bad news quandary. The good news is that the death tax will disappear in 2010. If they die that year, their families will get their assets, not the IRS.The bad news is that this pernicious...
Daniel J Mitchell
A Flat-Out Case for Tax Reform
If anything's likely to boost support for the flat tax, it's the annual nightmare of tax season. Imagine junking all the paperwork the current system requires and replacing it with two simple postcard-sized forms that tax income only once and at one low rate. Imagine...
Fixing a Broken Tax System with a Flat Tax
America's complicated tax system needs a complete overhaul, not minor fixes. The large role that system plays in many of the political dramas dominating the daily headlines shows why. Republicans and Democrats, for instance, are fighting over the "outsourcing" of jobs...
Slashing Tax Rates in Europe is Progressive
More than 20 years ago, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan triggered a world-wide revolution by dramatically slashing marginal income tax rates. In addition to rejuvenating the U.K. and U.S. economies, these supply-side tax cuts prodded other nations into...
Bermuda: America’s Number One Enemy?
America's number-one enemy isn't Al Qaeda, Libya, North Korea or Cuba. It's Bermuda! At least that's what John Kerry seems to want American voters to believe. At almost every campaign stop, he attacks "Benedict Arnold corporations" that move to Bermuda. One could...
Limit Lobbying By Cutting Government
In their view, the traditional Washington career path -- a stint in government followed by a lucrative job lobbying former colleagues -- is inherently corrupt. Both candidates propose restrictions, including limits on the ability of former government officials to...
Radical U.N. Tax Plans Threaten America
Many politicians seem to think that the answer to every alleged problem is higher taxes. Howard Dean, for instance, has said he would repeal the Bush tax cuts -- even though this would boost the average family's tax burden by nearly $2,000. This initiative sounds...
If a Flat Tax is Good for Iraq, How About America?
Few Americans would want to trade places with the people of Iraq. But come tax time next April, they may begin to wonder who's better off. That's because the Iraqis soon will enjoy something we don't -- a simple and fair tax system. Beginning in January, all Iraqis...
Don’t Penalize Companies for Investing in America
Our tax code has many ridiculous features, but the booby prize may belong to a provision that discourages companies from investing profits in America and instead encourages them to keep money overseas. It's a 35 percent tax penalty imposed on American companies that...
The IRS Versus The Bill Of Rights
To get an idea of what it's like to tangle with the IRS, imagine having to fight Mike Tyson -- with both hands tied behind your back. The IRS is the most feared government agency, and with good reason. Americans who run afoul of this bureaucratic behemoth have little...
Helping America Compete
It would be easy to resent the World Trade Organization right now. Here we are, trying to get our economy to grow, and the WTO comes along and says the European Union gets to impose a $4 billion annual tax hike on American companies. This is because of a WTO ruling...
The Right Kind of Tax Cut
Listening to Washington policy-makers haggle over the size of President Bush's proposed tax cut -- $350 billion over the next decade? $550 billion? $726 billion? -- you would think nothing matters much beyond the price tag.Just as important, though, is the type of tax...
Punish France by Enlarging American Freedom
Yes, folks, it finally happened. French President Jacques Chirac swallowed his pride and placed a let's-be-friends-again phone call to President Bush.As well he should have. France's behavior regarding Iraq has been despicable. In addition to providing Saddam...
Russia’s Flat-Tax Miracle
It's never fun to admit failure. But Russia's 13 percent flat tax forces me to confess a certain degree of incompetence. For 10 years, I've been working in Washington to replace our convoluted tax code with a simple and fair flat tax. But as every taxpayer can attest,...
Nine Simple Guidelines for Pro-Growth Tax Policy
Economic growth occurs when people work more, save more, and invest more. These are the behaviors that increase national income and boost the nation's wealth. People do not produce more simply because the government has a balanced budget. Nor do they increase their...
Protecting Americans from Double Taxation
President George W. Bush has proposed that the double taxation of dividends be eliminated. Under his plan, businesses would continue to pay tax on corporate income, but individual stockholders no longer would have to pay a second layer of tax on that income when it is...
In Defense of “Trade Deficits”
A nation isn’t harmed when it imports more than it exports, which is why the trade deficit is the most dangerous statistic collected by government.
End the Double Taxation of Dividends
President Bush's critics reacted in predictably uniform fashion to his latest economic proposal: Playing the class-warfare card.Good luck making that charge stick. America isn't France. The politics of hate-and-envy doesn't resonate here like it does in Europe. We...
Clinton-Era IRS Regulation Threatens Economy and Financial Markets
Three days before President Bill Clinton left office, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) proposed a regulation (No. 126100-00) that would have forced American banks to report the interest they pay on the deposits of nonresident aliens. The IRS openly admitted that the...
Good Riddance, IRS Commissioner Charles Rossotti
When Charles Rossotti became commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service five years ago, taxpayers hoped this marked a new beginning. Unlike all the tax lawyers who preceded him, Rossotti came from a business background. Presumably, he understood the need to end some...
Many normal people -- not to mention politicians looking to exploit the latest headline -- talk about corporate bankruptcy as if it's some sort of financial scam, a gimmick perpetrated by malevolent corporations to avoid paying their bills. So it's not surprising to...
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