
The Energy Freedom Plan: 25 Policy Changes to Unleash American Energy

It may seem impossible, but 4 years from now America can have Record oil and gas production Cheap, plentiful, reliable electricity High environmental quality" Low climate danger A nuclear renaissance For well over a year I’ve been working on an Energy Freedom Plan...

The Case Against Net Zero 2050

Fossil fuels expert Alex Epstein shares everything you need to know about fossil fuels and what the world would really look like if we were “net zero” by 2050.

20 Myths About Fossil Fuels

20 Myths About Fossil Fuels

In Fossil Future, Alex Epstein refutes literally hundreds of myths about fossil fuels. Here are 20 myths that 11,000,000 people heard on Joe Rogan’s podcast this year, refuted.



Anti-fossil-fuel politicians, like Rep. Cori Bush, tried to discredit Alex Epstein’s Congressional testimony on energy security using 100% false personal attacks. They failed, and all such future attempts will fail.

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