Going carbon-free will be difficult without the U.S.’s largest source of carbon-free electricity: nuclear energy.
Biden’s “Clean Energy” Means Higher Electricity Bills for Consumers
Germany’s similar experiment with an energy transition has been going on much longer than the time period under President Biden’s proposal, and that has led to skyrocketing electricity prices for residential users equal to three times what Americans pay.
Regulation and Legislation Are Set to Increase Energy Costs
This new proposed natural gas tax is a punitive tax designed to artificially raise the price of natural gas.
On The Unjust Punishment By The U.S. Government of the Incredibly Life-Giving Oil and Gas Industry
Alex Epstein’s testimony for a hearing by the House Natural Resources Committee on May 19, 2021.
Go Nuclear
It’s particularly absurd that Earth Day’s activists rarely mention the form of energy that could most quickly reduce greenhouse gases: nuclear power.
Inside the Church of Climate
Philosophy, not only economics and political economy, matters in the global warming/climate change debate. Start by checking your premises—and those of your intellectual opponents.
Net-Zero Carbon Plans Against Fossil Fuels Ignore Reality
The Canadian government’s net-zero 2050 plan has been aptly criticized for not being feasible because it ignores reality: the lack of necessary technology and the increasing demand for affordable and reliable energy in developing countries around the world.
Thank You Fossil Fuels
Without fossil fuels, much of the world would freeze in the dark. We just don’t yet have enough alternatives.
To Dream The Fossil Fuel Free Dream
Pandemic or not, the dream of abandoning fossil fuels is just a dream—a suicidal one
Climate Alarmism, Fossil Fuels and Apocalyptic End of the World Scenarios
With climate alarmism and “extinction” protests now in the mainstream, it is no wonder that most people consider the alleged man-made catastrophic climate change an established fact, and advocate curtailing carbon “pollution” or even banning fossil fuels altogether.
California’s Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Electricity Woes: Political Failure, Not Market Failure
Californians are right to feel dismay in this situation. Basic services like electricity should be the norm, despite dry weather and upticks in wind speed. Their ire would be best directed not at PG&E, but at the regulated monopoly model that Californians themselves have maintained through their state government.
Free the Power Grid From Government Created Electric Monopolies
Competition and the profit motive will encourage competing utilities to criss-cross the country with a more robust transmission grid, providing safer and cheaper electricity to all.
The New Moral Case for Fossil Fuels
For the last five years, Alex Epstein's 2014 New York Times bestseller, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, has been one of the most important books in the world of energy policy, influencing leading politicians, executives,...
Peace, Love, Energy
What does the oil and gas industry have to do with peace and love?
What’s the Deal with the Green New Deal?
There’s been a lot of talk about The Green New Deal. Beyond the headlines, what is it really? Given our energy needs, is it practical? Can we have an abundance of energy and a clean planet? Alex Epstein, the author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, considers these...
The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels (Exploring Minds)
In this full episode of "Exploring Minds", Michele Carroll and Alex Epstein explore his reasons behind writing "The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels". Alex breaks down the importance of energy, our current options available to use for energy,...
Big Oil Lobbying for a Carbon Tax?
If the oil companies want to take the moral high ground, they must first acknowledge, not just the negative effects of their product, but also its enormous benefits to humans.
Green New Deal: Fact versus Fiction
The Green New Deal’s goal is to move America to zero carbon emissions in 10 years.
The Case Against a Carbon Tax
Carbon taxes are nonobjective, they are coercive, and they are impediments to prosperity.
Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy
To make earth cleaner, greener and safer, which energy sources should humanity rely on?
How To Be a Climate Thinker
“Climate-Change Compensation” From Oil Companies Is Immoral
The values the oil companies provide far outweigh negative consequences of fossil fuel production.
The Lame-Duck Carbon Tax Lob
A carbon tax with a realistic possibility of being signed into law, would not be the revenue-neutral, regulation-busting efficient solution that libertarian and conservative tax advocates desire. The political forces on the left want no part of an even nominally market-based solution.
The Social Cost of Carbon: Considerations and Disagreements in Climate Economics
In performing cost-benefit analyses our government has a responsibility to present the fullest view to the public that is possible. In the context of climate change, that means exploring the social cost of carbon at a wide range of discount rates, on a diversity of time horizons, and showing both the domestic and the global consequences.
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