
The Energy Freedom Plan: 25 Policy Changes to Unleash American Energy

It may seem impossible, but 4 years from now America can have Record oil and gas production Cheap, plentiful, reliable electricity High environmental quality" Low climate danger A nuclear renaissance For well over a year I’ve been working on an Energy Freedom Plan...

“Price Gouging” and Oil Prices

Politicians are talking of "price gouging" and oil. They say Americans are being charged too much for oil (as evidenced by the price for a gallon of gas hitting $2 in parts of the country). What exactly is "price gouging?" No objective definition is ever given. From...

The Great Power-Shortage Myth

The Great Power-Shortage Myth

An electric-power blackout is a special case of the wider economic phenomenon of a shortage, that is, of a situation in which the quantity of a good that buyers are seeking to buy at the prevailing price exceeds the quantity of the good that the sellers possess and are willing to sell.

Blood for Oil

Someone, finally, has stated the truth to the administration and to the world: Saudi Arabia is our enemy. According to the Washington Post, that was the message of a recent briefing to the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board. The presentation, by Rand Corporation analyst...

OPEC, Oil, and Energy Economics 101

We are all familiar with pundits from all corners decrying our dependence on foreign oil. Before the oil embargo in the 70's and subsequent attempts to wean ourselves from OPEC, we were importing about 25% of our oil and now we are importing over 50%. This is always...

Of Halloween Spoilsports and Spiders

This will be my 16-month-old daughter's first Halloween on foot. Last year, she was a baby bunny who toured the neighborhood in Daddy's arms. This year, she'll be a kitten -- clambering up porch steps, clutching her goody bag, and marveling at all the treats within...

Free Markets Can End The OPEC Cartel

Free Markets Can End The OPEC Cartel

Had the United States pursued a policy of economic freedom with respect to energy production over the last thirty years, the conditions for OPEC’s success as a cartel would never have been present in the first place.

The Enemies of Nuclear Power

The Enemies of Nuclear Power

As Congress ponders how the country can avoid an energy crisis like the one that has affected California, many people believe that only science-fiction can offer a long-term solution--a solution in which discoveries in theoretical physics would lead to a new...

Greens versus Energy

Greens versus Energy

The environmental movement is profoundly antilabor, because in seeking to undercut the productivity of labor, it strikes at the foundation of rising real wages.

“Big Oil” and The High Cost of Demons

“Big Oil” and The High Cost of Demons

Since it has long been known that the best defense is a good offense, it should not be surprising that politicians who have created an economic mess should begin loudly denouncing somebody else as the cause of the public's problems. Last year, the problem was a sharp...

Ending Rolling Electric Power Blackouts

Ending Rolling Electric Power Blackouts

Such wonderful progress in the ability to buy electricity and all other goods can continue in this new century—if only power-hungry government officials and misanthropic environmentalists will get out of the way.

“Spiraling” Oil Prices and “Obscene” Profits

“Spiraling” Oil Prices and “Obscene” Profits

On April 30, motorists nationwide staged the "Great American Gas-Out," to protest "spiraling" gas prices. And when consumers complain, rest assured politicians will do something dumb to make them happy. It didn't take long. In California, something called the Senate...

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