What is critical, however, in rebutting the proposals is to parse the disparate, inchoate elements from one another, drawing attention to the ever-shifting justifications carbon tax advocates offer.
Wither Post-Carbon Economy?
Why are businesses not gearing up for the post-carbon economy?
The Solar Value Cliff: The Diminishing Value of Solar Power
“More solar penetration in places like California will lead to an outcome no one wants: a less reliable electricity grid.”
“Pittsburgh, Not Paris”
Donald Trump opened himself up to mockery with his “Pittsburgh, not Paris” remark, but the Paris Agreement’s supporters have very little to offer beyond the level of “gotcha” jabs.
Schemes to Sweeten Carbon Tax Can’t Mask Its Bitter Taste
A carbon tax—by design—will cause energy costs to soar.
Video: The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels
“Mankind’s use of fossil fuels is supremely virtuous—because human life is the standard of value and because using fossil fuels transforms our environment to make it wonderful for human life.”
Obama Peddles the “100% Renewable” Myth
By propagating the “100 percent renewable” myth, these companies—and politicians like President Obama—create a false public understanding of the viability of wind and solar energy.
Immoral Government: “Phasing Out” Fossil Fuels
Fonda’s attack on the oil sands is inconsequential; Trudeau’s is evil.
Laissez-Faire Capitalism: The Solution to the Oil and Gas Unemployment Crisis
Government-caused uncertainty, such as not approving pipeline construction or imposing more taxes (such as the carbon tax), discourages investment and thus prevents employment recovery.
No Business Should Cheer a Carbon Tax
Telus doesn’t get that its role is the creation of material values (cell phone service), not encouraging more taxation. On the contrary, it should oppose the carbon tax and any other taxes as they destroy human welfare.
Defending Fossil Fuel Companies Against Climate Catastrophists
Recognizing facts and assessing them by the standard of human flourishing inevitably leads to the conclusion that fossil fuel companies are not villains but producers of essential human value and deserve to be not attacked, but thanked.
Three Key Arguments Against the “Clean Power Plan”
“Generation shifting” is not a valid system of emission reduction.
Defending Oil Pipelines: The Invalid Concept of ‘Social License’
As appeasement and pursuit of ‘social license’ is futile, other oil and pipeline executives should follow Girling’s example and defend their companies on moral grounds for the great value they provide. Governments, for their part, should cease their welfare-destroying climate change policies and focus on protecting individual rights instead.
State Financing of Hydrogen Refueling Stations for Fuel-Cell Vehicles
By co-signing the loan for FirstElement Fuel Inc., the State of California has undermined prospective competition.
Corporations and Climate Change Salvation
Is the premise that catastrophic man-made climate change is happening and that corporations, particularly those involved in producing fossil fuels, are largely culpable, valid?
Human Flourishing Requires Energy—not Government Coercion
Individual rights include the freedom to use whichever sources of energy people and businesses want, as long as they don’t violate others’ rights.
“Green Oil”
Despite the increased use of fossil fuels, toxic pollution has already decreased significantly, and the availability of clean water has increased—thanks to human ingenuity and innovation.
Obama Oil Tax Will Increase Gas Prices
Obama and environmentalists have it in for fossil fuels because they are, overwhelmingly, the form of energy that lifts millions out of poverty and sustains lives longer and healthier than any before.
In Defense of Pipelines, Oil and Energy Producers
Most people in industrialized countries take the availability of such energy for granted: we turn on a switch, and the power is there, for heating, cooling, lighting, manufacturing, transportation, and for any other human purpose.
Sacrificing Freedom for Ethanol Corn Subsidies
Ethanol is an expensive boondoggle that wouldn’t survive in a competitive market.
DiCaprio Condemns Oil Companies as He Benefits From Their Products
The feather in Mr. DiCaprio’s dunce cap is his hypocrisy over fossil fuels — without the energy provided by the fossil fuel companies, the Hollywood film industry could not exist, and DiCaprio could not have had the career and earned wealth he has.
Environmentalists Spoil The Planet For Human Beings
Environmentalism is, at its core, a religious fanaticism against technology, industry and progress.
The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels by Alex Epstein
Based on meticulous research and backed up with solid facts, Epstein makes the case that fossil fuels—coal, oil, and natural gas—have tremendous positive impact on human life.
Fossil Fuels Contribute to a Better Life
Alex Epstein’s book “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels” documents the rapidly shrinking number of human beings killed by storms, floods and other climate events thanks largely to ever-growing industry, fueled mainly by oil, natural gas and coal.
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