
The Energy Freedom Plan: 25 Policy Changes to Unleash American Energy

It may seem impossible, but 4 years from now America can have Record oil and gas production Cheap, plentiful, reliable electricity High environmental quality" Low climate danger A nuclear renaissance For well over a year I’ve been working on an Energy Freedom Plan...
The D.C. Carbon Tax Comedy of Errors

The D.C. Carbon Tax Comedy of Errors

What is critical, however, in rebutting the proposals is to parse the disparate, inchoate elements from one another, drawing attention to the ever-shifting justifications carbon tax advocates offer.

“Pittsburgh, Not Paris”

“Pittsburgh, Not Paris”

Donald Trump opened himself up to mockery with his “Pittsburgh, not Paris” remark, but the Paris Agreement’s supporters have very little to offer beyond the level of “gotcha” jabs.

Video: The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels

“Mankind’s use of fossil fuels is supremely virtuous—because human life is the standard of value and because using fossil fuels transforms our environment to make it wonderful for human life.”

No Business Should Cheer a Carbon Tax

No Business Should Cheer a Carbon Tax

Telus doesn’t get that its role is the creation of material values (cell phone service), not encouraging more taxation. On the contrary, it should oppose the carbon tax and any other taxes as they destroy human welfare.

Defending Oil Pipelines: The Invalid Concept of ‘Social License’

Defending Oil Pipelines: The Invalid Concept of ‘Social License’

As appeasement and pursuit of ‘social license’ is futile, other oil and pipeline executives should follow Girling’s example and defend their companies on moral grounds for the great value they provide. Governments, for their part, should cease their welfare-destroying climate change policies and focus on protecting individual rights instead.

“Green Oil”

“Green Oil”

Despite the increased use of fossil fuels, toxic pollution has already decreased significantly, and the availability of clean water has increased—thanks to human ingenuity and innovation.

Obama Oil Tax Will Increase Gas Prices

Obama Oil Tax Will Increase Gas Prices

Obama and environmentalists have it in for fossil fuels because they are, overwhelmingly, the form of energy that lifts millions out of poverty and sustains lives longer and healthier than any before.

Fossil Fuels Contribute to a Better Life

Fossil Fuels Contribute to a Better Life

Alex Epstein’s book “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels” documents the rapidly shrinking number of human beings killed by storms, floods and other climate events thanks largely to ever-growing industry, fueled mainly by oil, natural gas and coal.

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