Glenn Woiceshyn

Glenn Woiceshyn is a freelance writer, residing in Canada.

What is Good Government?

Good government? Isn't that an oxymoron?Many today believe so. Who can blame them? Our political system has increasingly become a chaotic jungle driven by competing pressure groups ("special interests") seeking special "favours" and handouts from government....
Blame Hezbollah and Iran for Death of Qana Children

Blame Hezbollah and Iran for Death of Qana Children

Responsibility for the tragic deaths of scores of Lebanese women and children in Qana, Lebanon falls primarily on Hezbollah and its backers, Syria and Iran, not on Israel. To initiate a war against Israel and then use children as shields is so evil and disgusting that...

Western Leaders Provide Comedy to Iran’s Dictators

When the mullahs of the Islamic dictatorship of Iran are not chanting "Death to America" and "Death to Israel," or not issuing money, weapons and orders to their global terrorist networks, or not monitoring the progress of their nuclear weapons program, one can be...

Why I Refuse to Celebrate Canada Day

I refuse to celebrate Canada Day (July 1st)--as a matter of principle. While I recognize Canada as one of the better countries to live in, this relative evaluation doesn't justify the gross injustices caused by the policies of our three levels of government. Two years...

Multiculturalism Breeds Terrorism

On June 2, 2006, seventeen Muslims, including five juveniles, were arrested in Canada for planning major terrorist attacks on Canadian soil against innocent people. Because these were "homegrown" Islamic terrorists, blame was rightly directed towards Canada's...

“Market Failure” Doesn’t Exist

In a recent column in Canada's National Post (June 10, 2006), "economist" and author Mark Jaccard of Simon Fraser University argued that (alleged) manmade global warming represents a "market failure" that must be corrected by government taxes on carbon dioxide...

Open Kyoto to Debate

Open Kyoto to Debate

Kudos to the 60 scientists for criticizing the Kyoto Protocol as politicized science and calling for a public debate on climate science. Kyoto was a humongous fraud from its inception when power-hungry United Nations bureaucrats maliciously altered the conclusion of...

Canada’s Healthcare System is Bad Medicine

Canada’s Healthcare System is Bad Medicine

The failure of Canada's experiment with socialist medicine is readily apparent: long waiting lists and wait times for specialized services, conveyor-belt treatment for routine services, chronic shortages of family doctors and hospital beds, gross inefficiencies, slow...

Whitewashing Academic Pathology

Whitewashing Academic Pathology

Jonathan Kay [National Post, "From The Academy, Portraits In Pathology", March 13] is shamefully generous toward leftist academics such as Ward Churchill and Noam Chomsky who venomously attack the West and Western values. Such creatures are not motivated by a "sense...

Democracy vs.The Essence of Liberty

Mr. Frum's ridicule of the imbecile appeasement philosophy guiding our foreign policy is bang on [From Ramallah, Harper's First Big Test, David Frum, Jan. 31.]. However, by calling Western countries "democracies," Mr. Frum appears to have bought into the insidious...

Free Hand to the Mob

I both laughed and cried when I heard the United Nations was going to decide what to do about Iran ["Israel praises Europe's plan to refer Iran to UN", Jerusalem Post, January 13)]. I'm sure the neo-Nazi Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would just laugh. The UN has proven impotent...

Public Education is Not Accountable to Parents

Alberta's premier, Ralph Klein, recently mused out loud about implementing a voucher system for education, which lets individual parents decide which school, public or private, will receive their education dollars. Predictably, champions of public education were quick...

Terrorist attacks in Kenya

The recent terrorist attacks in Kenya (and in Bali on Oct. 12) should be a wake-up call to all those who want to fight terrorism. Islamic terrorism will continue and worsen as long as there exists dictatorial regimes -- Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc. -- that...

Letters: “Innocents” of War new!

The so-called "innocents" of war Nobody now can rationally believe that Islamic terrorists will not use weapons of mass destruction against innocent people, weapons they have been busy acquiring. Terrorism of this magnitude will remain a serious threat as long as...

Letters: Its Time to Defend Capitalism

It's time to defend capitalism The sworn enemy of the terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Centre and murdered thousands of innocent people is capitalism. The virtues and values of capitalism -- individual rights, free trade, advanced technology, exciting careers,...

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