It’s time to defend capitalism
The sworn enemy of the terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Centre and murdered thousands of innocent people is capitalism.
The virtues and values of capitalism — individual rights, free trade, advanced technology, exciting careers, a high standard of living, etc. — are not only an anathema to the religious dogmas of these terrorists, but also a threat to the totalitarian designs of their leaders.
To date, very few who benefit from capitalism have been willing to defend capitalism on intellectual and moral grounds. For decades, most have remained silent while hordes of anti-capitalist zealots spewed out their lies, logical fallacies and mindless hatred for capitalism. Many business people today shamefully give financial support to anti-capitalist organizations.
Such written and verbal attacks on capitalism not only gave these terrorists a moral sanction to commit murder, they undermined our resolve to fight terrorism from day one with all our might.
Those who benefit from capitalism can no longer assume it’s safe to go about one’s business and avoid defending capitalism — intellectually, morally, financially — against its countless enemies. Your office, the plane carrying you to your next meeting, or your home and family could be destroyed next.
It’s time to educate yourself on the real meaning and value of capitalism and then actively and proudly defend it.
Your life depends on it.
Glenn Woiceshyn Calgary,
Alberta, Canada
Published (Sept. 14) in the Calgary Herald. Published (Sept 13) in the Wall Street Journal.
A Green Light for Terrorists
Contrary to widespread opinion, it is wrong to conclude that such deadly terrorist attacks are unavoidable, or that the U.S. should wait until “all the evidence” is in and then “bring the perpetrators to justice,” or that retaliation is as barbaric as initiation, or that the U.S. should build an impenetrable wall and beef up “internal security” at the expense of individual liberty.
Past responses to acts of anti-American terrorism have been abysmally weak, thereby giving terrorists a green light. Terrorism is an act of war. Effective terrorists are made possible by the countries that harbor them. Any country that harbors anti-American terrorists — such as Afghanistan, Iran, Libya, Iraq, Syria and Sudan — is thereby at war with the U.S., and their governments deserve to be bombed. Since there are no bombs that selectively kill those responsible for terrorism, the U.S. can not be morally blamed for killing so-called innocent bystanders. Such is the nature of war and the price one pays for having an evil government.
A substantive bombing of governments that harbor anti-American terrorists will go a long way to wipe out international terrorism. It would be immoral and self-destructive for the U.S. to do otherwise.
Glenn Woiceshyn
Published in The West Australian (Sept. 17), National Post (FP) (Sept. 17), Hamilton Spectator (Sept. 17)
Dear Editor,
What America must do now
If terrorists are capable of killing thousands of innocent people on American soil by hijacking four commercial jets, imagine what they’ll do with the weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles that they are busy acquiring. International terrorism of this magnitude would not be possible without the dictatorial governments (Afghanistan, Iran, Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc.) that harbor terrorists.
It would be suicidal for the Bush Administration to primarily focus on getting the individual terrorists or their leaders, such as Osama bin Laden. Such killers are easily replaced these days. Harboring anti-American terrorists is an automatic declaration of war against America. The U.S. must strategically destroy — by whatever means necessary — as many of these governments as is required to remove the threat of terrorism. It’s not about vengeance; it’s about justice and rational self-preservation.
Our worst enemies today are not the terrorists or the evil governments that harbor and sponsor them –the right action now would quickly render them impotent. Our worst enemies are all the appeasers, moral relativists, “let’s negotiate”-ists, and “turn-the-other-cheek”-ers who, for decades, have been rendering us impotent against these mass murderers.
Glenn Woiceshyn
Calgary, Alberta, Canada