The recent terrorist attacks in Kenya (and in Bali on Oct. 12) should be a wake-up call to all those who want to fight terrorism. Islamic terrorism will continue and worsen as long as there exists dictatorial regimes — Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc. — that sponsor and harbor terrorists. Some of these regimes are using the abundant oil discovered by and confiscated from Western companies to finance a jihad against Western civilization.
The U.S. “war on terrorism” has so far been a failure because, with the exception of Afghanistan, the U.S. has been practicing the hopeless policy of appeasement, the same decades-old policy that allowed terrorists to become powerful enough to murder 3,000 people in one day on American soil. Such appeasement has only strengthened the resolve of Islamic terrorists and their sponsors.
Snuffing out individual terrorists or terrorist cells is not enough because new terrorists will be recruited and trained. Building a security wall is not enough because the suicidal fanatics will always find ways to penetrate. The only solution is to eliminate the dictatorial regimes that sponsor terrorism. Such regimes have no right to exist by the very fact that they deny rights to their own citizens. Any so-called “collateral” damage would be the fault of the regime because the only alternative is to let terrorists kill more innocent people.
When a country sponsors terrorism against another country, it is automatically a declaration of war. The U.S. should join forces with Israel (and any willing Western country) to end these dictatorial regimes once and for all. The deadliest mistake made in the 20th century was to not attack Hitler’s Nazi regime sooner. Let’s not make that mistake again.