It bears noting that although the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling correctly asserted that abortion was a right, the ruling was nonetheless doubly botched. Justices based the ruling on a right to privacy and alleged that non-enumerated rights are based on tradition.
Dismantling Roe
Important lecture by Objectivist philosopher Onkar Ghate examining the reasoning and implications of SCOTUS overturning Roe vs Wade.
The Right to Abortion as an Application of Individual Rights
Both sides in the abortion debate invoke the principle of “rights.” Anti-abortionists claim to uphold a “right to life”; Pro-choice advocates a woman’s “right to abortion.” Neither side holds a rigorously defined theory of rights.
Free Abortions vs. Abortion Freedom
If support for reproductive rights is so strong, why won’t Democrats run on a promise to pass legislation to make abortion unambiguously legal?
Abortion Rights Are Pro-life
On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade 40 years ago, there is still no one defending the right to abortion in fundamental terms, which is why the pro-abortion rights forces are on the defensive. Abortion rights advocates should not cede the terms “pro-life” and “right to life” to the anti-abortionists.
Former President Jimmy Carter: Wrong on Abortion
Jimmy Carter wants his Christian ideology to be imposed on everyone, across the board. I oppose the religious right. But how is the religious left any better, or any different? Both support tyranny.
Abortion, Left and Right
This recent "debate" over abortion and government regulations shows the insanity of both the "left" and the "right" in today's society. The left consists of people who insist that a right to abortion includes the right to have it paid for -- including by people who...
Questions About Abortion
Abortion Opponent: I don’t believe abortion is moral. The fetus is a conscious, sentient individual. It enjoys the inalienable right to life just as all human beings do. Abortion should be illegal – because it’s murder. Dr. Hurd: A fetus is a...
Abortion and the Death of Dr. George Tiller
Police have announced an arrest in yesterday's murder of Wichita, Kansas, Dr. George Tiller. Apparently, the shooter is an anti-abortion Christian who approved of assassinating abortion doctors (sources: New York Times, Kansas City Star). If true, this is yet another...
Amendment 48 Is Anti-Life: Morality and Abortion (Part 6 of 6)
If you believe that “human life has value,” the only moral choice is to vote against Amendment 48.
Amendment 48 Is Anti-Life: Personhood and the Right to Abortion (Part 5 of 6)
Amendment 48, if fully implemented, would outlaw all or nearly all abortions involving concerns of health, and definitely all abortions for rape, incest, and other reasons.
Amendment 48 Is Anti-Life: Amendment 48 and Abortion (Part 4 of 6)
Amendment 48 would ban all abortion, except perhaps in cases of extreme risk to the mother’s life. As a result, the measure would cause permanent injury or death to some at-risk women. It would also force a woman to bring any pregnancy to term, regardless of her judgment about her best course in life.
Amendment 48 Is Anti-Life: Fertility Treatment and Medical Research (Part 3 of 6)
Amendment 48 would require dramatic changes to the treatment of fertilized eggs in laboratory settings, including fertility clinics and research facilities. Such changes further illustrate the harm Amendment 48 would inflict on real people as well as the absurdities that arise from granting legal rights to fertilized eggs.
Amendment 48 Is Anti-Life: Amendment 48 and Birth Control (Part 2 of 6)
The most obvious and severe effect of Amendment 48 would be a total or near-total ban on abortion.
Amendment 48 Is Anti-Life: Why It Matters That a Fertilized Egg Is Not a Person (Part 1 of 6)
Amendment 48 seeks to define a fertilized egg as a person with full legal rights in Colorado’s constitution.
A World Where Abortion is Murder
In the United States, just as in the Middle East, there are large numbers of people who believe that the cloak of religion and their claim to be inspired by the will of God entitles them to practice lunacy, in total disregard of the suffering and harm they cause to others.
Abortion is Not Murder
The “pro-life” movement is on a faith-based crusade to ban abortion no matter the consequences to actual human life.
Anti-Abortion “Pro-Life” Movement is Anti-Life
The recent ban on abortion in South Dakota is a victory for the “pro-life” movement–and thus, anti-abortionists claim, a victory for “the sanctity of human life.” But is it?
The Virginia Military Institute and Abortion
The Virginia Military Institute (VMI) is a curious institution--it is both a military academy and a state-supported college. Its history draws back to before the US Civil War (future confederate general Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson served as a professor) and all of its...
Ban on “Partial-Birth” Abortion Violates Women’s Rights
“Fetal Rights” are a gimmick to destroy a woman’s individual rights.
Ban on “Partial-Birth” Abortion Would Be a Blow to Individual Rights
The anti-abortionists’ war against “partial-birth” abortions is a smokescreen to ban all abortions.
Bush’s Attack on Partial-Birth Abortions Is a Scheme to Outlaw all Abortions
In his State of the Union address, President Bush demanded an end to “the practice of partial-birth abortion.”
Abortion and the Left: All the Rights But One
Last month marked the 30th anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion case which overturned a Texas ban on the procedure. To commemorate that anniversary, the well-known abortion rights group NARAL hosted a public event that...
Abortion Rights are Pro-Life
Thirty years after Roe V. Wade, no one defends the right to abortion in fundamental, moral terms, which is why the pro-abortion rights forces are on the defensive. Abortion-rights advocates should not cede the terms "pro-life" and "right to life" to the...
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