
Abortion Rights are Pro-Life

Abortion-rights advocates should not cede the terms “pro-life” and “right to life” to the anti-abortionists. It is a woman’s right to her life that gives her the right to terminate her pregnancy.

The Assault on the Right to Abortion

The Assault on the Right to Abortion

It bears noting that although the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling correctly asserted that abortion was a right, the ruling was nonetheless doubly botched. Justices based the ruling on a right to privacy and alleged that non-enumerated rights are based on tradition.

Dismantling Roe

Dismantling Roe

Important lecture by Objectivist philosopher Onkar Ghate examining the reasoning and implications of SCOTUS overturning Roe vs Wade.

Abortion Rights Are Pro-life

Abortion Rights Are Pro-life

On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade 40 years ago, there is still no one defending the right to abortion in fundamental terms, which is why the pro-abortion rights forces are on the defensive. Abortion rights advocates should not cede the terms “pro-life” and “right to life” to the anti-abortionists.

Abortion, Left and Right

Abortion, Left and Right

This recent "debate" over abortion and government regulations shows the insanity of both the "left" and the "right" in today's society. The left consists of people who insist that a right to abortion includes the right to have it paid for -- including by people who...

Questions About Abortion

Questions About Abortion

Abortion Opponent: I don’t believe abortion is moral. The fetus is a conscious, sentient individual. It enjoys the inalienable right to life just as all human beings do. Abortion should be illegal – because it’s murder. Dr. Hurd: A fetus is a...

Abortion and the Death of Dr. George Tiller

Abortion and the Death of Dr. George Tiller

Police have announced an arrest in yesterday's murder of Wichita, Kansas, Dr. George Tiller. Apparently, the shooter is an anti-abortion Christian who approved of assassinating abortion doctors (sources: New York Times, Kansas City Star). If true, this is yet another...

A World Where Abortion is Murder

A World Where Abortion is Murder

In the United States, just as in the Middle East, there are large numbers of people who believe that the cloak of religion and their claim to be inspired by the will of God entitles them to practice lunacy, in total disregard of the suffering and harm they cause to others.

The Virginia Military Institute and Abortion

The Virginia Military Institute (VMI) is a curious institution--it is both a military academy and a state-supported college. Its history draws back to before the US Civil War (future confederate general Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson served as a professor) and all of its...

Abortion and the Left: All the Rights But One

Abortion and the Left: All the Rights But One

Last month marked the 30th anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion case which overturned a Texas ban on the procedure. To commemorate that anniversary, the well-known abortion rights group NARAL hosted a public event that...

Abortion Rights are Pro-Life

Abortion Rights are Pro-Life

Thirty years after Roe V. Wade, no one defends the right to abortion in fundamental, moral terms, which is why the pro-abortion rights forces are on the defensive. Abortion-rights advocates should not cede the terms "pro-life" and "right to life" to the...

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