Kudos to the 60 scientists for criticizing the Kyoto Protocol as politicized science and calling for a public debate on climate science. Kyoto was a humongous fraud from its inception when power-hungry United Nations bureaucrats maliciously altered the conclusion of the scientific report (1995) in their policy-maker’s report.
The perpetrators of this fraud should be brought to justice, followed by public condemnation of the environmentalists, politicians and government bureaucrats who ignored the real scientists and pushed Kyoto for political/ideological gain, wasting billions of tax dollars.
The destructive Kyoto fraud was made possible by the power of today’s governments to extort billions of dollars via taxation and fund so-called science. This state science creates a massive opportunity for power-lusters to use government to politicize science and escape being prosecuted for fraud and sued for damages.
Consequently, bad science is running amok today, with all kinds of bogus claims about air pollution, genetically modified foods, pesticides, etc. (Recall the millions of people, mostly women and children in the Third World, who died painfully and needlessly from malaria because of a dishonest campaign by environmentalists that led to a near-banning of DDT in the 1970s.)
Objective science is so precious a human value that we must be eternally vigilant in preserving and protecting it from political power-lusters. More than a debate on climate science, we need a debate on the proper functions of government and whether governments should be allowed to fund science.