United Nations

Renaming ESG Won’t Make It Go Away

So although ESG backlash has resulted in even the likes of Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock, no longer referring to the contentious acronym, ESG won’t be going away.

Against the Moral Authority of the United Nations

Thomas Friedman writes to Andrew Sullivan: Why is it that liberals, such as myself, who were ready to support the war, so desperately wanted U.N. approval for it? It was for a couple of reasons--one that is already apparent and one that will become more apparent....

The Future of Iraq: Keep the United Nations Out

We stand on the brink of the liberation of Iraq. This liberation is long overdue, delayed by the Administration's attempt to secure the unnecessary support of the United Nations. The President has pledged that there will be no new dictator in Iraq, and I applaud him...

The United Nations Against Individual Rights

The American delegate put a brave face on it. "This is not a defeat for the United States," US Ambassador Kevin Moley said after Libya was elected to the chairmanship of the United Nations' highest human rights panel on Monday. "This is a defeat for the Human Rights...

A Declaration of Independence…from the United Nations

Imagine the following scenario: if on the eve of American independence, the founders had asked the world's permission before they revolted against the English crown. Imagine if the question of American independence rested not in the minds of the patriots, but with the...

The United Nation’s War Against Israel

In true U.N tradition, Annan ignores the action of gunmen that murder five-year old girls in cold blood, of teenage bombers programmed to indiscriminately kill Jews and of the Palestinian soldiers that cower in teeming population centers, allowing woman and children to suffer the consequences of their actions — all clear violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Trading Places on Taxes: Russia and the United States

Eleven years ago, the Soviet Union was a communist dictatorship, an "evil empire," in the words of President Reagan. But today, the Cold War is a fading memory, and the nation that used to represent international socialism has junked its "progressive" income tax for a...

Will the United Nations Become the Next IRS?

A key United Nations panel has proposed a radical plan to give international bureaucrats sweeping powers over U.S. tax policy. This scheme, which will be part of the agenda at the International Conference on Financing for Development next March, would undermine...

The United Nations of Reparations Hypocrisy

The United Nations of Reparations Hypocrisy

Perhaps Secretary of State Colin Powell's decision to pull the American delegation out of the so-called U.N. World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa, will be just a footnote in history. But we can at least hope that it may be a turning point toward a...

The United Nations Conference of Racists

The UN World Conference Against Racism has met and taken up its primary agenda: the praise and protection of racists. The tone was set on the first day of the conference, when that paragon of progressive politics, Yasser Arafat, took the podium to condemn Israel as a...

United Nations

The United Nations will open its "World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance" (let's call it WCAR) on Aug 31 in Durban, South Africa. Already there are threats to pull out by the United States unless agenda proposals...

Nations United Against Rights

On Friday, Secretary-General Kofi Annan met with congressional leaders to assuage their anger at America's ejection from the UN's Human Rights Commission. The meeting seems to have been a success; it looks as if Republicans in Congress will give up their attempt to...

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