Black History Month: Why Don’t They Teach About the Arab-Muslim Slave Trade in Africa?

Black history is American history. It ought not be “relegated” to a month, and slavery ought not be relegated to only the European slave trade.

Israel Should Keep Palestinian Terrorists Locked Up

Israel's recent release of approximately 400 prisoners - including 210 members of known Arab terrorist organizations - is immoral, as those released directly threaten the lives of Israelis. Though the Palestinian Intifada officially ended -- for a brief period at...

Israel’s Best Weapon?

Middle Easterners were widely puzzled in early 1994 when some leading American politicians, including Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) and Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), forwarded more assertive, tougher positions vis-à-vis the Palestinians than did the government of Israel....

U.S. to Israel: Do As We Say

In an agreement brokered last month by U.S. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Palestinian terrorist groups agreed to a temporary cease-fire on condition that Israel ceases its practice of "targeted killings" (executing would-be terrorists before they have a...

European Constitution vs.British Sovereignty

British Prime Minister Tony Blair has survived with a wrist slap the first parliamentary committee's report on the false claims he made about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. But other, more determined, inquiries are underway, and a new imbroglio is brewing over...

Sabine Herold: Saving France From Itself

In the 15th century, a young woman named Joan rallied the people of France to revolt against their English oppressors. Today, another young woman, named Sabine Herold, is trying to do the same thing. Only she is not trying to save France from foreign invaders but from...

Asian Americans: Guilty of Success in America

There was only one thing that disturbed me more than President Bush's mushy comments praising socially engineered campus "diversity" this week. It was the newspaper photos and television broadcasts of militant Asian activists joining other liberal minority students...

Old Europe Grows Older

The handshakes in Evian were polite. The conversations were civil. Unlike the tens of thousands of European demonstrators who took to the streets to protest, none of the presidents or prime ministers at last week's Group of Eight summit in France raised his voice or...

Building a Nation that Lasts in Iraq

Pundits say creating a free Iraq means "democratically" divvying up political power among its various religious and ethnic factions. "[We need] to make sure all the different groups get a fair shot," said Senator Trent Lott recently. That just goes to show how far...

Starve the Castro Regime, Help the Cuban People

Danny Glover, Harry Belafonte and other like-minded celebrities can cozy up to Fidel Castro all they want. But we deserve better from members of Congress. Just a few weeks ago, Castro locked up 75 dissidents and executed three Afro-Cubans accused of hijacking. Yet,...

Israel’s Fence and the Return to the Barbaric Past

Israel's proposed border fence, a necessary physical separation between a lawful nation and its homicidal neighbors, is a powerful symbol of the political gulf separating the West from the Arab world. When Israel was founded, its inhabitants established the only...

America’s Double Standard on Terrorism Against Israel

Recent events have rekindled simmering feelings in Israel that its chief ally and supporter -- America -- actively applies a glaring double standard when it comes to how to deal with the terrorist threat facing the citizens of both nations. This issue was thrust back...

Castro’s Cult of Sycophants

"Cuba is an anachronism in our hemisphere, an anachronism on the face of the Earth," Secretary of State Colin Powell remarked earlier this month. "And the whole international community should be condemning Cuba." Who could disagree? In a ruthless crackdown just four...

Fidel Castro’s Dupes

Fidel Castro worked miracles after leading the Revolution that liberated Cuba from the dictator, Batista. The statistics are there, for any fool to see. Soon after Castro came to power in 1959, he decided to eliminate illiteracy in the island nation. As he stated in...

Liberty, Not Democracy, In Iraq

The bromide, often quoted today, that we have won the war but now we have to "win the peace," is meant to remind us that we have to turn from achieving our military goals to achieving our political goals in Iraq. But what if our political goals were such that...

CNN Should Scale Back Chumminess with Cuba

Mohammed Al-Douri, Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations, left the United States on April 11. After planned stops in Paris and Damascus, he said, "I will be the first to enter my country as a free country." Before heading out for what may be the final time, Al-Douri...

Let’s Be Honest About Cuba

Around this time in 2001, Secretary of State Colin Powell took it on the chin for opining, "Castro has done some good things for his people." Last month Powell spoke about the Castro regime much more honestly, stating that the recent crackdown, sham trials and summary...

A Constitutional Republic for Iraq

As the statue of Saddam Hussein came crashing down, President Bush told the Iraqi people, "You deserve better than tyranny and corruption and torture chambers. You deserve to live as free people. And I assure every citizen of Iraq: your nation will soon be free."...

It’s the Iraqi Economy, Stupid!

For years, we have heard about Saddam's brutal suppression of political freedoms in Iraq where free elections, free speech, and a free press were non-existent. But we have heard little about the absence in Iraq of economic freedom and opportunity. As leader of the...

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