What were the cause(s) of the high death rate in the first half of the century – and of its diminishment in the second half?
The Real Che Guevara
“Don’t shoot – I’m Che! I’m worth more to you live than dead!”
U.S. Should Not “Stay The Course” In Iraq
In Iraq, we must crush the insurgency immediately–which includes choking its backers, Iran and Syria–and let the Iraqis themselves take on the responsibility of establishing a government that will not threaten America.
Reflections on the 2005 Revolution in France
The rioting by Muslim youth that began October 27 in France to calls of “Allahu Akbar” may be a turning point in European history.
Che the ‘Guerrilla Fighter’
Mass murder was the order in Cuba’s countryside.
Understanding the Paris Riots: Multiculturalism and the Self-Liquidation of Europe
On November 9, 1938, the Nazi government launched a vicious pogrom in which thousand of Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps, while bands of young Nazi thugs smashed the windows of Jewish homes and shops. Kristallnacht--the "Night of Broken...
Riots in France: The Barbarians at the Gates of Paris
Riots that began on the outskirts of Paris have spread into the center of the French capital and to other communities in other parts of the country. Thousands of cars have been set on fire and the police and even medical personnel have been shot at. Like many other...
Che Guevara “The Motorcycle Diaries”
But the mass executioner gets a standing ovation by the same people in the U.S who oppose capitol punishment! Is there a psychiatrist in the house?!
On the U.S. Obligation in Iraq
Democrats and Republicans, liberal media as well as Fox News, all seem to take for granted the following position on Iraq, as (in this instance) reported today at MSNBC.com: "The constitution is a crucial step in Iraq's transition to democracy after two decades of...
Proposed Iraqi Constitution Will Not Bring Freedom to Iraq or Security to America.
As the world eagerly watches the Iraqi constitutional referendum, the Bush administration and its intellectual supporters herald the occasion as a historic step toward freedom in the Middle East and security for America. This view betrays an appalling ignorance of the...
The UN’s “Virtue” Is Its Vice: How The United Nation’s Neutrality Props Up Evil Regimes
More than 170 political leaders from around the world recently met at the United Nations to consider what the New York Times called "the most sweeping institutional changes" in the organization's history. But this exercise was, predictably, hopeless. Although both...
The Perversity of U.S. Backing for the Gaza Retreat
Israel’s retreat from Gaza–rightly celebrated by terrorists–is neither a means of fostering peace, nor a solution for the plight of innocent Palestinians.
Israel’s Deadly Appeasement Process Continues
The Israeli withdrawal from Gaza is being portrayed as a wise (albeit unpleasant) move by Ariel Sharon. By addressing a longtime grievance of the Palestinians and their supporters--the presence of Israeli security forces and Jewish residents on the Gaza strip--we are...
Today Gaza, Tomorrow Jerusalem
Are Israel's critics correct? Does the "occupation" of the West Bank and Gaza cause the Palestinian Arabs' anti-Semitism, their suicide factories, and their terrorism? And is it true these horrors will end only when Israeli civilians and troops leave the territories?...
Europe’s Appeasing of Castro Prolongs tyranny
Last Thursday, the French embassy in Havana decided to invite Fidel Castro's communist cronies over to help celebrate France's Bastille Day -- a day similar in significance and symbolism to our Fourth of July.Shamefully, they expressly didn't invite any of Cuba's...
Not Strictly Business: China’s Bid to Buy Unocal
It's a heck of an offer. In an 11th hour bid to buy Unocal, China's state-run CNOOC Ltd. offered $19.6 billion, cash, for America's ninth largest oil company. That's a lot of yuan in anybody's book. For CNOOC, it's downright staggering. If accepted, the deal would put...
The Tragedy of Africa: Local Tyranny Subsidized by Western Paternalism
Nature and man have combined to make Africa the most tragic of the continents -- and the men who did this have been both black and white. The great French historian Fernand Braudel said, "In understanding Black Africa, geography is more important than history." Much...
Freedom, Not Foreign Aid, For Africa
British Prime Minister Tony Blair is pressuring the rich nations of the world to give more foreign aid to Africa -- to the tune of $25 billion a year by 2010. The U.S. already gave $3.2 billion last year. In the wake of this pressure, we might ask ourselves whether...
The Tragedy of Africa: Foreign Aid and Debt Forgiveness
The official declarations coming out of the G8 meetings in Scotland, as well as the raucous demonstrations surrounding those meetings, talk about saving Africa. But, looking back over the decades and generations, Africa has been "saved" so many times that you have to...
Pro-Israel Palestinians
For all their rhetoric about Israel's "vicious" and "brutal" occupation, Palestinian Arabs -- including their leaders -- sometimes let down their guard and acknowledge how they prefer Israel to the Palestinian Authority. Here are some recurring themes: Restraints on...
Palestinians Who Cling to Israel
Israel's interior minister recently declared that after their release from long jail sentences, four Palestinian Arabs convicted of helping with suicide bombings in 2002, killing 35, will be expelled from Israel. They would, the Associated Press reported, "lose the...
Operation Bao Chuan: Say No to China National Offshore Oil Corporation’s Bid for Unocal
China National Offshore Oil Corporation presumably chose the codename "Operation Bao Chuan" for its Unocal offer to conjure up national pride in its bid to buy America's ninth largest oil company. For bao chuan were the huge treasure ships that traveled across the...
London Terrorism: British “Covenant of Security” with Islamists Ends
The country had gone from safe haven to enemy camp.
The European Union and the Interventionist State
What Europe is moving toward therefore is a constitutional institutionalization of the interventionist-welfare state.
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