Ralph R. Reiland

Ralph R. Reiland is the B. Kenneth Simon professor of free enterprise at Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: One Word of Truth Outweighs The World

The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie,” he said. “One word of truth outweighs the world.”

De-skilling America’s Doctors

De-skilling America’s Doctors

“I have often wondered at the smugness with which people assert their right to enslave me, to control my work, to force my will, to violate my conscience, to stifle my mind — yet what is it they expect to depend on when they lie on an operating table under my hands?”

Obama: Stuck on Stupid

Obama: Stuck on Stupid

“Down at the bottom of the list” of the public’s policy priorities in January were “gun control, immigration and climate change,” and yet just six months later, writes Douthat, “the public’s non-priorities look like the entirety of the White House’s second-term agenda.”

A Government Against Liberty

Let's say you're like most people and believe the federal government has become too large, too wasteful, too crooked and too intrusive. Now imagine the morning mail arrives from the money-bleeding U.S. Postal Service ($16 billion in the hole last year) and there's a...

Thatcher’s Revolution

Daniel Yergin, Pulitzer Prize-winning American author, energy scholar and economics researcher, wrote recently that the passing of Margaret Thatcher provides “a timely reason to ask: What was the Thatcher Revolution about?” Yergin explains that he tackled that same...

Anti-Capitalist Policies, FDR to Obama

Pushing his agenda for higher taxes on “the rich,” President Obama kicked off his December 6 speech in Kansas by saying his Kansas grandparents “shared the optimism of a nation that triumphed over the Great Depression.” In fact, the 1929 stock...

Mud Pies from the Labor Department

Mud Pies from the Labor Department

The funny thing about the Labor Department’s monthly unemployment report is that the number-crunching bureaucrats act like they’re delivering high carat diamonds when the real worth of what they’re reporting is closer to the value of a mud pie. First, a college...

Obama’s Class Envy via Bad Numbers

Obama’s Class Envy via Bad Numbers

With economic "fairness" the central theme of his re-election campaign, President Obama recently pitched his "Buffett Rule" tax hike to a student audience at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. Aimed at those who earn the bulk of their income from capital...

Media Unreliabilty in George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case

Media Unreliabilty in George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case

Last week, NBC News became truthful, at least partially, when it issued an apology about altering a taped 911 conversation between George Zimmerman and a police dispatcher in the high-profile Trayvon Martin story, a case being linked to racism and profiling. What...

Obama on Capital Gains: No Winners

Obama on Capital Gains: No Winners

“If you make more than $1 million a year, you should not pay less than 30 percent in taxes,” asserted President Obama in his State of the Union speech. For those with predominantly investment income, that would effectively double their capital gains tax...

Crony Communism

Crony Communism

It's not like the old days in China when the top guys in the Communist Party at least pretended to be pro-equality. Back then, "poor peasants" were encouraged to denounce and kill "rich peasants" for the crime of being too productive, too individualistic or...

Wrong medicine for a sick economy

“Middle-class families shouldn’t pay higher taxes than millionaires and billionaires,” repeatedly proclaims President Obama, arguing for his proposed $1.5 trillion tax increase over the next 10 years. “That’s pretty straightforward....

The American Jobs Act: An Anti-Jobs Jobs Bill

“Pass this bill now,” President Obama is repeatedly demanding, regarding his new American Jobs Act. There’s nothing new in the legislation, just more government spending, more transfers of money from “the rich” to Obama’s political...

Obama’s Jobs Program

President Obama’s constant refrain about the government’s unprecedented levels of red ink points to “millionaires and billionaires” as the problem, not the massive amounts of waste, fraud and inefficiency in government operations. Remember when a million per mile...

Killing Jobs via ObamaCare

Killing Jobs via ObamaCare

  Now that the politicians have delivered an anti-debt deal that adds an estimated $8 trillion to the current $14.5 trillion federal debt over the next 10 years, President Obama is getting ready to head off on a pro-jobs bus tour of the Midwest. With more than...

Blueberry Economics

SEA ISLE, N.J. — I should be worrying about how the politicians are killing the nation financially, but that's on the back burner today because the 25th annual Red, White and Blueberry Festival is right up the road and they're estimating that 10,000 of us will...

New Jersey as Auschwitz?

SEA ISLE, N.J. --- Public-sector employees here now are regularly referring to Gov. Chris Christie as "Adolf Christie." Things got especially ugly when Christie signed legislation that requires each of the state's 500,000 teachers, police and other public workers to...

Undercounting the joblessness

The U.S. job growth in May – or, more accurately, the lack of job growth – indicates that the economic “recovery” is coming undone. With 13.9 million people in the U.S. out of work according to the federal government’s unemployment...

Fame and Infamy in Chicago

We're stuck here in Chicago as I'm writing this, stranded for a few extra days because the CNN weather map yesterday projected some scary red tornado splotches scattered along the Capitol Limited tracks we take to Pittsburgh. It looked even worse on holytornado.com,...

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