The real reason for shortages and suffering in Cuba is communism.
Cuba & Castro
Cuba Demoted to “Not Real Socialism”
If Cuba is a workers’ paradise, why are so many people trying so hard to leave?
Cuban Education Under Castro: Literate for Indoctrination
What explains the rising literacy rates and rising levels of educational achievements is also what explains the regime’s ability to continually repress Cuban people.
Fidel Castro’s Communist “Revolution” Made Cuba Worse Off
The road not taken by Cuba, that of not having the revolution, is one on which the country would have been healthier and richer than it is now.
Still Haunting The World: Karl Marx and Marxism 200 Years Later
A specter continues to haunt the world, the specter of Karl Marx. Two hundred years ago, on May 5, 1818, the father of twentieth century totalitarian communism, the guidebook writer of revolutionary mass-murdering dictatorship, and the inspirer of disastrous socialist central planning was born in Trier, Germany.
The Pope and Castro: Brothers in Social Ethics
The central principle unifying both Catholicism/Christianity and Communism is the same: Your life does not belong to you. It belongs to forces other than — “greater than” — yourselves.
A Letter to Cuba’s American Prisoner
It gives me great sadness to say that inside the Communist boot that now tramples upon your dignity is the foot of the American president, Barack Obama.
Castro and Obama
At least for a few moments last week, we had the strange spectacle of President Obama sounding more like a collectivist than Fidel Castro. With the federal payroll in the United States up by 200,000 positions and the private sector down by 7.8 million jobs since the...
Castro’s Cuba at Fifty: No Freedom, No Fish
I was in Hollywood, Florida, on January 8, the 50th anniversary of Fidel Castro's triumphant arrival in Havana after shooting his way to power and ousting the U.S.-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. The morning newspaper at our hotel reported that Fidel Castro had...
An Energy Lesson from Cuba and China
An unlikely political figure is willing to fight for lower gas prices. His name: Fidel Castro.He's working with foreign investors, including China, to find oil off the Cuban coast, close to American waters.In contrast, American companies aren't looking for oil off the...
Fidel Castro is a Communist
For fifty years the American left has promoted the image of Fidel Castro as a great humanitarian who has saved his people in a workers' paradise. Here's a fact: Fidel Castro is a communist. Period. Communists are not humanitarians. They are vile, brutal thugs who use...
Europe’s Appeasing of Castro Prolongs tyranny
Last Thursday, the French embassy in Havana decided to invite Fidel Castro's communist cronies over to help celebrate France's Bastille Day -- a day similar in significance and symbolism to our Fourth of July.Shamefully, they expressly didn't invite any of Cuba's...
Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez: Castro’s Mini-Me
'One darned thing after another': That's how former Secretary of State Dean Acheson once defined foreign policy. The latest "darned thing" for the United States is Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez. For no apparent reason, the leftist strongman is arming...
Lift the Cuban Travel Ban, Help the Dictator Castro
Members of Congress who want to lift the U.S. ban on travel to Cuba -- and there are many -- aren't motivated by a desire to help its infamous dictator Fidel Castro. They simply want to stop "imposing limits on the American people's right to travel," in the words of...
Starve the Castro Regime, Help the Cuban People
Danny Glover, Harry Belafonte and other like-minded celebrities can cozy up to Fidel Castro all they want. But we deserve better from members of Congress. Just a few weeks ago, Castro locked up 75 dissidents and executed three Afro-Cubans accused of hijacking. Yet,...
Castro’s Cult of Sycophants
"Cuba is an anachronism in our hemisphere, an anachronism on the face of the Earth," Secretary of State Colin Powell remarked earlier this month. "And the whole international community should be condemning Cuba." Who could disagree? In a ruthless crackdown just four...
Fidel Castro’s Dupes
Fidel Castro worked miracles after leading the Revolution that liberated Cuba from the dictator, Batista. The statistics are there, for any fool to see. Soon after Castro came to power in 1959, he decided to eliminate illiteracy in the island nation. As he stated in...
CNN Should Scale Back Chumminess with Cuba
Mohammed Al-Douri, Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations, left the United States on April 11. After planned stops in Paris and Damascus, he said, "I will be the first to enter my country as a free country." Before heading out for what may be the final time, Al-Douri...
Let’s Be Honest About Cuba
Around this time in 2001, Secretary of State Colin Powell took it on the chin for opining, "Castro has done some good things for his people." Last month Powell spoke about the Castro regime much more honestly, stating that the recent crackdown, sham trials and summary...
A Leftist ‘Indictment’ of Communist Cuba
In the opening few lines of Marc Cooper's editorial piece in the LA Weekly, he writes: "Have you ever imagined what it would be like living in a society where, say, a John Ashcroft would be unrestrained by the niceties of constitutional law? Where draconian...
Cuba’s Cruel Joke
"Can I have your bones?" the old woman asked my eight-year-old daughter, pointing to the gnawed remains of the chicken leg that had been her lunch. Seeing that my daughter was perplexed, the old woman displayed a box of chicken bones that she had collected from other...
Fleeing Castro’s Communist Paradise to Get to Evil Capitalist America
Just last week three of the men involved in hijacking a Cuban ferry in order to flee to America were executed under the regime of Fidel Castro under the charge of terrorism. Where was the United States in all of this? Unfortunately while freeing a people and riding...
Bad Cuban Medicine
The shelves in the neighbourhood pharmacy, like those in the other neighbourhood pharmacies I had seen in Havana, were half empty and full of dust, the small selection of medicines on display arranged in lonely rows of old-fashioned little bottles. Customers were as...
The Caribbean’s Saddam Hussein Still Rules Cuba
One of the first people I met during a week's stay in Havana last year was the economist Oscar Espinosa Chepe, a once-ardent communist who had turned against Fidel Castro's dictatorial system. For daring to criticize Cuba's disastrous policies, Chepe and his wife...
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