Adopting socialized medicine – “universal health care” – would not remedy the well-documented gap in U.S. life expectancy.
Vincent Geloso
Doom is Still Coming: Three Errors Paul Ehrlich Keeps Making
In Ehrlich’s worldview, humanity only transgresses and can only cause harm. In Simon’s view, humanity takes primacy and the sources of its enrichment also repair many harms done to the environment, and eventually allows improvements.
Superabundance: One of the Greatest Books on Economic Development and Growth of the Past Decade
Gale Pooley and Marian Tupy’s book, “Superabundance,” use “time prices” – the length of time that people must work to purchase something – to measure how the state of the world is improving as we live longer, healthier, and more comfortable lives.
Holodomor: Ukraine Famine of 1933 was a Government-Made Disaster
The ten worst famines of the 20th century could all be attributed directly or indirectly to government policies.
Cuban Education Under Castro: Literate for Indoctrination
What explains the rising literacy rates and rising levels of educational achievements is also what explains the regime’s ability to continually repress Cuban people.
How Fossil Fuels and Capitalism Saved The Whales in the 19th Century
This year marks the 200th anniversary of Herman Melville, who is best known as the author of Moby Dick. In his famous novel Melville tells the story of a whaling ship captain obsessed with taking his revenge on a great white whale. The novel is, today, a hallmark of...
Lighthouses Were Private Until Government Took Them Over
There was nothing inherent to the lighthouse that made it a public good. It became a public good because government regulation made it so.
America Was Made Poorer Because Of Slavery
America was not made richer from slavery. America was made poorer by slavery.
Fidel Castro’s Communist “Revolution” Made Cuba Worse Off
The road not taken by Cuba, that of not having the revolution, is one on which the country would have been healthier and richer than it is now.
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