
The Earth and Civilization Have Been Saved By Fossil Fuels

In his 2022 book Fossil Future, Alex Epstein of the Center for Industrial Progress argues that fossil fuels are one of the greatest benefits to human civilization ever and that no viable substitutes exist, at least for now.

The Purpose of Flying A Nearly Empty Plane

The Purpose of Flying A Nearly Empty Plane

An efficiency-minded environmentalist could object that this trip shouldn’t be made, a Marxist-leaning commentator that this was an example of the horrible waste and misallocation of the capitalist system.

Climate Myths

Climate Myths

Governments want to keep control… Carbon dioxide becomes that molecule by which (they) can take control of your lives.

Climate Change and the Power of Scaremongering

Climate Change and the Power of Scaremongering

The New York Times and the scientists it cites in “U.S. Climate Report Warns of Damaged Environment and Shrinking Economy” (11/23/18), either do not understand simple mathematics, or rely on the ignorance of their readers to create a silly scaremongering headline over...

The Power of Compounding and the Power of Scaremongering

The Power of Compounding and the Power of Scaremongering

The New York Times and the scientists it cites in “U.S. Climate Report Warns of Damaged Environment and Shrinking Economy”, either do not understand simple mathematics, or rely on the ignorance of their readers to create a silly scaremongering headline over an absurd statistic.

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