
5 Myths About Tariffs

Tariffs distort market signals that would otherwise lower costs, raise competition, and motivate reinvestment.

Taylor Swift, Turn Your Wrath to Government!

Taylor Swift, Turn Your Wrath to Government!

If musicians and concertgoers are upset by the so-called “deceptive” practices of a “monopoly” like Ticketmaster and want the government to do something, they actually may want to redirect their attention towards another entity with monopoly power that also attempts to hide fees. That entity is … the government.

Welfare for the Rich

Welfare for the Rich

Politicians always promise that public investment will return more in benefits to taxpayers. But it’s not true.

A Pandemic of Fiscal Profligacy

A Pandemic of Fiscal Profligacy

The Democrats’ $1.9 trillion “American Rescue” plan, which has little to do with rescuing and everything to do with using the pandemic as an excuse to move the country closer to statism. The latest $1.9 trillion addition to the federal debt is best described as a left-wing slush fund.

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