A tax on unrealized capital gains constitutes an end-run on rights of private property and subverts fundamental market principles by taxing assets not yet sold or converted into income.
Abolition of Income and Inheritance Taxes Under Capitalism (Part 5 of 10)
A possible way to start on the elimination of the income/inheritance tax right now would be to fight for the immediate adoption of a universal exemption of at least 51 percent of everyone’s income from federal, state, and local income taxation under all circumstances.
Trump’s Proposal To Replace The Federal Income Tax with Tariffs
If Trump’s goal is simply to eliminate the federal income tax, then he should advocate for doing that and only that.
Proud to Pay More is Proud to Make Others Pay Most of the Tab
A group including about 250 million- and billionaires calling themselves Proud to Pay More (P2PM) advocated the imposition of wealth taxes in an open letter to the “luminaries” meeting in Davos, Switzerland.
Global Tax On World’s Billionaires
Increasing taxes threatens future production to the detriment of all.
Taylor Swift, Turn Your Wrath to Government!
If musicians and concertgoers are upset by the so-called “deceptive” practices of a “monopoly” like Ticketmaster and want the government to do something, they actually may want to redirect their attention towards another entity with monopoly power that also attempts to hide fees. That entity is … the government.
The Tax Code: A Playground for the Few, A Labyrinth for the Many
The tax code’s complexity has created an environment in which tax-preparation services, lobbyists, favored industries, and politicians thrive, while taxpayers struggle to make sense of ever-changing rules and regulations.
The Biden Administration’s Unconstitutional Tax on “Unrealized Capital Gains”
The Biden Administration’s 2023 budget bill proposing a “billionaire tax,” imposing a 25-percent minimum rate on the “unrealized capital gains” of the wealthiest Americans is unconstitutional.
Business Tax Exemptions and the U.S. Oil Industry
The uniformity-of-profit principle sheds light on the effect of business tax exemptions and their elimination.
On Biden’s “Zero Price Tag” Trillion Dollar Increase in Government Spending
Joe Biden’s demagoguery, arrogant impatience, and dictatorial manner do not and cannot change reality. At the end of the day, his policies can only lead to a financial and economic disaster.
Government Debt as Far as the Fiscal Eye Can See
The thought of living within a balanced budget sends a frightening shiver down almost every politician’s spine.
Welfare for the Rich
Politicians always promise that public investment will return more in benefits to taxpayers. But it’s not true.
A Pandemic of Fiscal Profligacy
The Democrats’ $1.9 trillion “American Rescue” plan, which has little to do with rescuing and everything to do with using the pandemic as an excuse to move the country closer to statism. The latest $1.9 trillion addition to the federal debt is best described as a left-wing slush fund.
How Populism Turns a Constitutional Republic Into A Democracy
Populism is what happens when a republic becomes a democracy, and politicians must curry the favor of voters in order to win office.
Capitalism’s Enemies Use COVID-19 Crisis as an Excuse for a Wealth Tax
Leftist politicians who want to get into our pocketbooks are beginning to argue that the COVID-19 pandemic is the best argument for a wealth tax.
How To Disguise a Budget Increase as a Cut
The bottom line is that there is nothing historic about this budget, or these cuts.
Freedom of Inheritance: Repeal The Estate Tax
Repealing the inheritance tax means that substantial sums that would otherwise disappear into government spending programs will instead be used to make capital investments.
The Forgotten U.S. Federal Government Debt
It’s increasing by $1 trillion a year.
The Problem with the Wealth Tax
A Note on Asset Prices, Wealth, and Inequality
Government Spending is the Real Tax
Milton Friedman made the observation that the true size of government is measured not by how much it rakes in currently in taxes by how much it spends.
A Wealth Tax on the Rich Is Motivated By Anti-Capitalist Ideology and Not Economics
Is a proposed federal wealth tax on the ultra-rich the solution to America’s budget-deficit woes?
Dear Anti-Capitalist Billionaires, Why Wait For a Wealth Tax? Contribute Your Money Now!
George Soros and his son Alexander Soros, Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, heiress Abigail Disney and “Anonymous” are free to give their wealth to politicians right now.
Punitive Taxation of America’s Richest
There’s nothing moral, “fair” or “progressive” about a graduated (communist) tax schedule.
Your Fair Share of Taxes
Do we leave (wealth) in the private sector where the market decides? Or do we subject it to corrupt politicians?
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