The 1936 Robinson-Patman Act (RPA), once a lynchpin of antitrust enforcement actions, because the government almost always won under its convoluted terms, has been all-but abandoned for decades.
Gary Galles
Bidenomics: Creating “Jobs” That Destroy Wealth
Government spending doesn’t really create jobs, but instead moves them from where people themselves would have chosen to where the government dictates by way of its tax, spending, and regulatory policies.
Why Even Insiders Underestimate Markets’ Power
Anyone who has ever taken a competently taught economic principles course should understand why people tend to underestimate market forces for airline fuel, irrigation water, and so many other areas.
Isabel Paterson: A Woman Who Could ‘Save the World’
Ayn Rand published The Fountainhead, and Rose Wilder Lane published The Discovery of Freedom, and Isabel Paterson published The God of the Machine, all in 1943.
The Moment Rose Wilder Lane’s Faith in Communism Was Pierced
“I am now a fundamentalist American; give me time and I will tell you why individualism, laissez-faire and… capitalism offer the best opportunities for the development of the human spirit.”
E Pluribus Unum
Few phrases from our country’s creation illustrate that disconnect better than E Pluribus Unum: out of many, one.
Proud to Pay More is Proud to Make Others Pay Most of the Tab
A group including about 250 million- and billionaires calling themselves Proud to Pay More (P2PM) advocated the imposition of wealth taxes in an open letter to the “luminaries” meeting in Davos, Switzerland.
William Penn: “The First Great Hero of American Liberty”
Penn’s commitment to a free society needs our re-commitment.
Why Not Do Something Before Social Security Runs Out of Money?
It is time we realized that there is no fair way out from government Social Security commitments that exceed the funds available.
Henry Hazlitt on Liberty: 21 Choice Quotes
Hazlitt’s most important contribution was his consistent defense of the central importance of liberty in American life, even though it lost him more than one job. At a time when real commitment to liberty is scarce, Americans need to remember his wisdom.
George Washington: America’s Most Indispensable Veteran
Washington knew his efforts were a means to an end—maintaining liberty. We would profit by reflecting on his words and whether the vision we act upon today reflects that vision or distorts it.
Junk Insurance
Obamacare plans are often “junkier” than available short-term plans for a large number of Americans in a large number of circumstances.
Books: “Social Justice Fallacies” by Thomas Sowell
“Many assumptions and phrases in the social justice literature are repeated endlessly, without any empirical test,” making it the “seemingly invincible fallacy at the heart of the social justice vision.”
John Locke, The U.S. Constitution and the General Welfare
John Locke’s view reflects the fact that a government that has nothing of its own to give, but can only give what it takes from others, means it cannot “give” to some without involuntarily violating the general welfare of others.
Microsoft-Activision Merger: The FTC Should Answer Its Call of Duty to Gamers
All too often, unscrupulous businesses weaponize the United States’ antitrust laws — which are only supposed to be utilized to protect consumers against higher prices and other consequences of monopoly power — for their own self-serving purposes.
The Jones Act Has Decimated American Shipping & Trade
The Jones Act, the most restrictive cabotage law in the world, has decimated the number of American-flagged ships and the trade they carry, not built it up.
Supply-Side Economics in One Lesson
Supply-siders insisted that while there may be policy effects on the demand side, one cannot ignore the consequences of the changes such policies make to the incentives of suppliers and entrepreneurs.
Unfair Labor Practices? Why Don’t You Go Somewhere Else?
Unionized workers effectively form a cartel that would be illegal under antitrust laws as an obvious “restraint of trade” if unions had not been specifically exempted from the rules.
Biden Administration and the Democrats Fail the Marshmallow Test
The Orwellian “Build Back Better” and “Inflation Reduction Act” plunders from the future to gratify hoped-to-be-Democrat voters now.
U.S. Government’s War on Savings
The U.S. government has long been waging war on savings, making it the cause of, rather than the solution to, low savings rates.
Blame the Federal Diabetic Assault (FDA) for High Insulin Prices
The insulin pricing problem is a result of the government regulating business.
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